Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ

Last updated October 2021

Coronavirus Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all locations are able to test for COVID19. We have rapid antigen testing, rapid PCR, and traditional PCR testing options available. Rapid PCR tests are given based on availability. If none are available on site, PCR tests will be sent out to a third party lab.

Yes, our rapid antigen testing provides results in about 30 minutes. We utilize the Quidel Sofia 2 antigen tests. We also have rapid molecular testing using the Abbott ID Now.

Rapid PCR testing is available on site as well with results in 40 minutes. DOCS is utilizing the Cepheid rapid PCR test.

Please click this link to get a copy of your test results. If for any reason you cannot get your results online, please chat with our web team using the link below for assistance or return to the clinic to pick up a copy of your results.

Testing is by appointment only by same day appointments are available. You may walk in for any other urgent care needs

Yes, an appointment is needed for COVID testing

No referral is needed

PCR tests collected and run on site will be reported the same day; PCR tests collected on site but sent out to a third party lab to be run will be resulted in 36-72 hours.

Yes, we can draw blood and send out to a third party lab or we can provide a requisition for you to be seen at a lab for your blood draw.

You will need to contact your specific carrier to see if they are covering testing. Most are not covering surveillance/travel testing and only covering testing for those who are exposed. Because of this DOCS will need to collect payment for any surveillance/travel testing required. You can then submit the bill directly to your insurance to see if they will reimburse you.

Rapid PCR Test – $195

Traditional PCR Test – $95, the third party lab processing the test will bill you as well, typically around $100

Rapid Antigen Test – $195

Yes, as of right now insurance is not limiting the number of times you can be tested

Please book an appointment for covid testing here

We can test anyone over the age of 2.


During this surge in COVID-19 cases, our primary focus is meeting the high demand for tests, and we are seeing higher than usual wait times. This means we are unable to answer most phone calls. Please know that our teams are working very hard during this time to care for as many patients as safely as possible. Please click the button below for answers to common questions. We appreciate your understanding.