Types Of Sleep Tests

Sleep Testing CT

Daytime Sleep Testing For Sleep Problems

The Maintenance of Wakefulness Test (MWT)

Is a daytime sleep study that measures your ability to stay awake and alert during the day. The MWT can also tell your doctor how well your treatment is working.

​Before the Test
A MWT is usually done the day after a polysomnogram (PSG) and takes most of the day. You will need to refrain from tobacco and caffeine before or during the test. Your doctor will discuss any changes to your prescription drug schedule before the test. You should have a light breakfast at least one hour before the first trial.

​What to Expect
You’ll be placed in a quiet comfortable room, Sleep Center. Sunlight will be kept out of the room and the temperature will be set at your personal comfort level. The goal is to remove any outside influences on your sleepiness. The MWT consists of several sleep trials with breaks lasting for two hours in between them.

  • You’ll start between 1.5 to three hours after your normal wake-up time.
  • Sensors are placed on your head, face, and chin, which will show when you are asleep or awake during the test.
  • A low-light video camera allows a technologist to see you from a nearby room.
  • For each trial, you will sit quietly in bed with your back and head supported by a pillow.
  • You will be asked to sit still and look directly ahead of you while you try to stay awake as long as you can.
  • If you fall asleep, you will be awakened after sleeping for only about 90 seconds.
  • The test will end if you do not fall asleep within 40 minutes.

​Test Results
A technologist will chart your wake-sleep times. Our sleep technologist will review the study to assess your level of daytime sleepiness. Final results of your test may take two weeks. Your referring physician will discuss the results with you.

Night To Day Sleep Testing

The Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSLT)

Is a sleep disorder diagnostic tool. It is used to measure the time elapsed from the start of a daytime nap period to the first signs of sleep, called sleep latency. The test is based on the idea that the sleepier people are, the faster they will fall asleep.

​The MSLT is used extensively to test for narcolepsy, to distinguish between physical tiredness and true excessive daytime sleepiness, or to assess whether treatments for breathing disorders are working. Its main purpose is to discover how readily a person will fall asleep in a conducive setting, how consistent or variable this is, and the way they fall asleep in terms of REM sleep and other brain patterns. This can be used to identify and differentiate between various sleep problems.

​The test consists of four or five 20-minute nap opportunities set two hours apart, often following an overnight sleep study. During the test, data such as the patient’s brain waves, EEG, muscle activity, and eye movements are monitored and recorded. The entire test normally takes about 7 hours during the course of a day.

Preparation: On the day of the test, you will be asked not to consume any stimulants, such as tea, coffee, colas, and chocolate.

  • Often a formal sleep study has been performed the previous night.
  • Sometimes urine screening is done to make sure no substances exist in your body which might interfere with sleep.
  • You will be asked to fill out a pre-test questionnaire.
  • Electrodes are attached to the head to record brain waves.
  • Electrodes are attached near your eyes to record eye movement.
  • Electrodes are attached to your chin to detect muscle tone.
  • Heart beat is also be monitored.
  • You will be asked to perform simple tasks to test that the equipment is working properly.
  • You will nap for 20 minutes, and then will be awakened.
  • The nap process is repeated every 2 hours for a total of four or five times.
  • A sleep technologist will gently place sensors on your head, face and chin. These sensors are attached to a head box, and monitored through the computer.

The sensors show when you’re asleep and awake, and transmit data used to determine when patient is in REM sleep.The nap trial begins when the lights are turned off.

Daytime Napping Test

Pap/ Nap Test

The PAP (positive airway pressure therapy), a “PAP-NAP” procedure consists of a daytime PAP session lasting 2-5 hours, during which a sleep technologist or therapist will work 1-on-1 with you, addressing specific needs to enhance continuous PAP (CPAP) comfort and tolerability.

​To assess, address and alleviate physical, mental and emotional barriers benefited from PAP therapy, thereby giving you sufficient confidence to obtain a full night CPAP titration or to utilize CPAP therapy at home. The primary goal is to help you use PAP therapy for more than one hour, during which time you will have the potential to fall asleep with PAP mask in place or to at least report that the experience was not uncomfortable.

​Will You Benefit?

  • In particular those with co-morbid conditions such as insomnia, nightmares, anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, panic attacks, and claustrophobia.
  • Those with a strong skepticism about PAP therapy or the possibility of a breathing condition influencing their sleep.
  • If you have expressed, or have the inability to articulate the precise nature of complaints about the breathing mask, i.e. discomfort, shame, embarrassment, fear or anxiety.
  • If you have tried PAP therapy unsuccessfully.