Benefits of Having a Primary Care Provider


DOCS Urgent Care, we offer more than just urgent care services. We also offer services for all of your primary care needs. Often, the importance of a primary care provider is overlooked. Having a dedicated physician for you or your family helps to establish a relationship with a doctor who understands your medical history as well as any ongoing chronic conditions.

At DOCS Urgent Care, we have dedicated, compassionate primary care physicians at our 15 different locations throughout Connecticut. Here are our top 10 benefits of having regular, annual visits to your primary care provider.

Holistic Health Care
The idea that a balance of body, mind, spirit, and emotions are prerequisite to a healthy life is the philosophy behind holistic health care. This balance will help in preventing unforeseen health issues.

With the help of a dedicated primary care physician, you’ll be able to receive an assessment on your diet, sleep habits, and sources of stress. A given ailment may be manageable by changing these types of habits and other factors of your lifestyle.

Better Management of Chronic Disease

Those with chronic disease or injury such as diabetes, heart/lung disease and arthritis are particularly in need of a regular check-ups. A primary care provider will monitor these types of issues and recommend the best course of action so that you can stay on top of your health.

Friendly and Knowledgeable Staff

Visiting a new doctor for the first time can be intimidating and awkward, especially if it’s for more personal health issues. Regular visits to your primary care provider will evoke a sense of comfort and familiarity with your doctor. Once you’re familiar with your local office and doctor, you will likely feel less hesitant to make appointments.

Lower Overall Health Costs

Expensive hospital visits can drive up healthcare costs. When applicable, a visit to your primary care physician can cost a fraction of the price for a hospital visit. Having a readily available PCP, means that patients are less likely to seek specialized help or an unnecessary hospital visit.

Remember: A primary care physician or an urgent care is not a replacement for a hospital. You should only visit your PCP for non-threatening issues.

Catch Health Issues Early

Regular visits to your primary care provider ensure that your doctor is up-to-date with your overall health. The more familiar a doctor is with your overall health, the more likely they are to identify potential health issues before they occur. When they suspect an issue, they can order tests to catch them early on, leaving you with the upper hand.

Referrals to Other Medical Specialties

A primary care provider can’t treat more serious health issues that require surgery or a specialist. However, they can act as a guide to other medical professionals to ensure that you get the best treatment possible. You won’t have to spend hours online searching for a professional that is covered by your health insurance and is close by. Your primary care provider can do all of that for you.

Decrease in Hospital and ER Visits

Trips to the ER can be stressful and unpleasant. Luckily, not all health issues require a trip to the ER, and may be treated by your local primary care physician. If your ailment is not immediately life threatening, visit your primary care provider to get a professional opinion, and to assess whether or not a trip to the ER is necessary.

Better Patient-Provider Communication

The familiarity you will experience with your primary care provider will make for a better patient-provider communication experience. You won’t feel as awkward as you may when meeting with a new doctor, which allows you to be more upfront about what’s going on with your health.

Access to Allergy, Sleep, and other Services in Office

Common issues such as allergies, lack of/excess sleep and common cold symptoms can be treated right from your primary care provider’s office. There’s no need to search in your local pharmacy for something that may or may not work for you when you can simply get a prescription from a professional.

Having Numerous Locations Available

At DOCS Urgent Care, we have 15 locations throughout Connecticut. While you may primarily visit one location, you have the ability to access any of our locations. This can provide you with convenient medical care when you require it.

Finding The Right Primary Care Provider

DOCS Urgent Care has the required training and expertise to provide you or your family with primary care services. We strive to form a physician-patient relationship to help offer you continuity of care. To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment with one of our physicians, contact us today.