6 Effective Ways to Boost Your Immunity

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Your immune system is your body’s natural protective system against infection and diseases. It combats many things that can harm your health, from common conditions like colds and flu to more serious ailments like HIV and cancer. The parts of the immune system are white blood cells, antibodies, and bone marrow, to name a few. All of these work together to ensure nothing can harm your health.

While the medical industry promotes vaccines to help the body build immunity against specific types of diseases, there are some natural ways you can do to enhance your immunity. In this article, the best urgent care in Branford, CT, will share the six most effective ways you can do to boost your body’s immunity.

Eat Well - urgent care provider in Branford, CT

1. Eat Well

If you want your body to function correctly, you must feed it with healthy food. Doing so will give your body the necessary nutrients to support optimal immune function. Your diet should consist of fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and other healthy food choices that contain the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

However, remember that too many dosages of some vitamins and minerals can be harmful. Additionally, a healthy diet also means you should be eating in variety, so don’t restrict yourself to a particular diet plan and get creative. Be sure to consult with an urgent care provider in Branford, CT, to learn more about how you can optimize your diet to match your body’s needs.

2. Stay Physically Active

Many healthcare providers stress the importance of staying physically active, and they do that for quite a lot of reasons. A healthy lifestyle can help a person maintain an ideal healthy weight and keep them from the illnesses and diseases that come from excess weight. Exercise can cause the release of chemicals like dopamine and endorphins, which can provide valuable mental benefits.

An active lifestyle combined with a proper diet is a great combination that can offer long-term health benefits. Additionally, moderate-intensity exercises are guaranteed to increase immune cell circulation within your body. This can help your body better prepare itself for infections by detecting them earlier.

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3. Maintain Proper Weight

Excess weight can drastically affect the way your body and immune system function. Obesity is directly linked to impaired immune functions, and it can also lower the effectiveness of vaccines to counter various diseases such as influenza and different forms of viral hepatitis. The term obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) of over 30. So if you’re an adult with a BMI of 30 or higher, urgent care in Branford, CT, advises you to maintain a healthy weight through proper diet and exercise.

Get Enough Sleep- Branford healthcare providers

4. Get Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is crucial for maintaining good health. However, many U.S. citizens are having trouble getting more hours of sleep. One out of three people can’t get enough sleep. Without enough sleep, your body will not only have difficulty repairing itself, but it can also damage your immune system. Sleep loss can negatively affect your immune system, and it can lead to the development of many disorders.

5. Quit Smoking

Cigarettes contain various carcinogens that are highly detrimental to a person’s health. One of which is nicotine, which can not only increase blood pressure and increase a person’s risk of lung cancer but can also impair your body from effectively killing pathogens entering your system. Cigarette smoking also directly correlates with the development of many autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, to name a few.

If you’re a cigarette smoker who wants to quit, there are urgent cares in Branford, CT, that offer tobacco interventions.

Quit Drinking - Branford urgent cares

6. Quit Drinking

Aside from smoking, drinking can also damage a person’s immune system. Excessive alcohol consumption can weaken your immune system, which may eventually lead to the development of liver diseases such as fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and alcoholic cirrhosis.

The Bottomline

Improving your immune system is a guaranteed way to keep your body healthy. The above methods are some of the most effective ways to boost your immunity. Doing them might be difficult for some, but they’re convenient and cost-effective ways to keep your body healthy. If you want to know more about how you can boost your immune system, talk to one of the experts at Docs Urgent Care – Branford. They can help you address any health problems inhibiting your immune systems, including lack of sleep, smoking, or excessive drinking.


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