Vaccinations & Immunizations North Haven, CT
You can believe the board-certified physicians at DOCS Urgent Care in North Haven, CT will provide you with all your vaccination needs. Our medical team works hard to give our patients the best care at competitive costs. Our clinic takes most health insurances and admits walk-ins each day of the week.
163 Universal Dr
North Haven, CT 06473
PHONE: (203) 466-8058
FAX: (203) 907-3272
- Hepatitis A (HEP A)
- Hepatitis B (HEP B)
- TD (Tetanus-Diphtheria)
- TDAP (Whooping Cough)
- Flu (Influenza)
- HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
- Shingles (Herpes Zoster)
- Pneumonia (Pneumococcal)
- Meningitis (Meningococcal)
- Hepatitis A (Adult)
- Hepatitis A (Pediatric)
- Hepatitis B (Adult)
- Hepatitis B (Pediatric)
- Japanese Encephalitis
- Menactra
- Zostavax (Shingles)
- Polio (IPV)
- Pneumococcal
- Rabies Vaccination
- Tetanus Diphtheria (TD)
- Tetanus Diphtheria Pertussis (TDAP)
- Typhoid
- Twinrix (Hep A & B Combination)
- Typhoid
- Varicella
- yellow Fever
- Gardasil
- B-12
- Ceftriaxone
- Kenalog-10
- Phenergan
- Solu-Medrol
- Toradol
- Benadryl
Adolescent Vaccinations
Your initial vaccination begins at birth. The next set is given at specific intervals until you’ve received all of them. Individuals receive vaccinations based on a schedule recommended by the US Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Required Vaccinations Include:
- TD (Tetanus-Diphtheria)
- Meningitis (Meningococcal)
- HPV (Human Papillomavirus)
- TDAP (Whooping Cough)
- FLU (Influenza)
- MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella)
- Chickenpox (Varicella)
- Pneumonia (Pneumococcal)
- Hepatitis A (HEP A)
- Hepatitis B (HEP B)
Elderly Vaccinations
Older individuals are more susceptible to developing complications from diseases such as the flu or shingles because our bodies are incapable of defending us in the same manner as when we were young. You also lose at least some of the immunity you developed in your younger years. Individuals over the age of 65 need to maintain their immunizations to protect their health. For more information, visit our office in North Haven, CT.
Common Vaccinations Include:
- Flu (Influenza)
- Shingles (Herpes Zoster)
- Pneumonia (Pneumococcal)
- TD (Tetanus-Diphtheria)
- TDAP (Whooping Cough)
- Hepatitis A (HEP A)
- Hepatitis B (HEP B)
- MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella)
Travel Vaccinations
When you visit another country, your body is going to be exposed to a variety of different elements, including new bacteria and viruses. It’s essential to protect against these viruses and bacteria by getting any vaccinations you might need before heading into another country.
For information regarding the required vaccinations, visit the CDC Health Travel Site for more information. If you have questions or concerns, reach out to our North Haven, CT specialists. When you’re ready to get your vaccinations, stop by as a walk-in patient any day of the week.
Common Vaccinations Include:
- Yellow Fever
- Meningitis (Meningococcal)
- Japanese Encephalitis
- Typhoid
- Rabies
- Polio
- Hepatitis A (HEP A)
- Hepatitis B (HEP B)
- Hepatitis A/ Hepatitis B Combination
What to Know About Vaccinations & Immunizations
How Vaccinations Work
Basically when you become ill your body creates antibodies to fight off the foreign invaders. In the future, your body can protect it better because it possesses these antibodies. Sure, you could still get sick but your body will have the weapons it needs to defend it.
Think of it this way, if you catch a disease like the measles then your body creates immunity to the illness. You’ll be less likely to come down with the measles again. It’s like this with other strains of viruses and bacteria. However, some diseases are highly dangerous, which is the reason vaccines were created. Being exposed to inactive or weakened forms of these diseases is less risky than catching it naturally.
Another example is the chickenpox. The people who caught the chickenpox as a child naturally developed resistance to it. Children are given a vaccine for this disease that benefits their immune system without the need for them to become sick with it. If you still have questions, let us know when you stop by for your vaccinations at our North Haven, CT walk-in facility.
Why Are Vaccinations Important?
The vaccinations our professionals give in our North Haven, CT office don’t just provide protection for the people getting them. They also give protection to others who can’t get the vaccine, often because of health issues. This extended protection helps your family as well as your community. This is known as social or community immunity.
Something else to consider is that immunizations don’t ensure 100 percent safety against diseases. Those who become infected because they haven’t been given a vaccination can pass the illness along to those who have been vaccinated. It can also reemerge over time.
If more people get their vaccinations, then it reduces cases of polio, measles, smallpox and other diseases. If you take a look at the reported numbers, more than 95 percent of illnesses have been diminished as a result of vaccines. Come by any day of the week for your vaccinations in our North Haven, CT clinic.
Do Adults Need VAccinations?
Vaccinations don’t always maintain full strength as adults age. Depending on the vaccination, you might need to get another to boost your protection against specific illnesses. The flu vaccine is an example of this. To ensure protection, you must get a flu shot every year. If you’re a female and become pregnant, your doctor will recommend a Tdap booster. This immunization is also advised to be taken every 10 years. Other illnesses strike adults as they age, such as shingles. Adults can obtain these and other inoculations at our North Haven, CT location.
The Care When You Need It in North Haven
DOCS Urgent Care in North Haven is part of the larger DOCS Urgent Care network. A network of professional Urgent Care clinics run by board-certified health care providers. Our goal is to give the highest quality care to our patients while providing affordable care.