Allergy Testing & Treatment in Southington, CT

If you suffer from seasonal or other types of allergies, visit the DOCS Urgent Care in Southington to obtain reliable allergy testing and treatment options. Our qualified Allergist will find the cause of your allergy symptoms and then creates a plan of action to alleviate your pain.

The Southington clinic’s board-certified physician and medical staff are fully prepared to give affordable health care for each patient that walks through the door. Our location takes patients every day of the week. If you need to receive allergy testing and a treatment plan that works for you, visit our experts today.



832 Queen Street
Southington, CT 06489
(located behind Smashburger)

(860) 863-5288
(860) 863-5249


The Importance of Allergy Testing

Because allergies can appear any time, we’re not always prepared when they do. To alleviate your symptoms, we’ll help you figure out what’s causing them. At the DOCS Urgent Care in Southington, our Allergist will use a combination of your medical history and a skin allergy test to quickly determine your allergies. It’s precise and you’ll have answers in less than 30 minutes!

Symptoms of Allergies

The following are various signs and symptoms of allergies:

  • Sneezing and irritations of the nose
  • Itching and redness of the eyes
  • Trouble breathing or shortness of breath
  • Abdominal (stomach) pain or bloating
  • Cramps
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Skin irritation, including rashes and/or hives
  • Swelling or itching skin
  • Dizziness

If you struggle with your day as a result of allergy symptoms or experience a surge of allergy signs, you need to see a specialist as soon as possible. This can be particularly critical if it’s a child who suddenly has an allergic reaction that comes out of nowhere.

What to Know About Allergy Shots

What Are Allergy Shots?

At our Southington clinic, we provide Allergy Shots, aka immunotherapy, as a highly effective allergy treatment option. We give these injections over at regular intervals over three to five years. This type of treatment reduces and hopefully will eventually put an end to your allergy symptoms.

It’s an excellent method of curing a patient’s allergies by increasing their tolerance to most kinds of allergens. We increase the allergen dosage a little at a time until the full amount is reached. The Allergists in our Southington Urgent Care will work with you to decide upon the most effective treatment method for you.

For Which Type of Allergen is Immunotherapy Most Effective?

Immunotherapy successfully treats a wide variety of allergies, including:

  • Indoor allergens – If you suffer year-round, it’s probably an allergy to mold, dust mites, cockroaches, or pet dander.
  • Insect allergens – If you only suffer an allergic reaction from stings or bites from bees, hornets, wasps, and yellow jackets then it’s probably an insect allergen.
  • Seasonal allergies – These allergies happen during spring and summer as the pollen is released from trees, weeds, and grasses. Asthma and hay-fever are frequent reactions.

Who Should Get Allergy Shots?

Allergy Shots (immunotherapy) are excellent for most allergies. They are very beneficial for these people:

  • Those taking medications that don’t adequately control allergic reactions
  • Those who wants long-term allergy relief but wants to quit using allergy medications
  • Those with an allergy to insect stings
  • Those taking medicine that conflicts with or counteracts their allergy medication

Let our Allergists help you with a proper allergy treatment plan that will have you feeling better in no time!

Poison Ivy & Rashes

At DOCS Urgent Care in Southington, we administer effective treatment for rashes from poison ivy contact. The rash emerges after the oils get onto your skin directly. The thing to know about poison ivy is that you don’t have to be anywhere near the plant to have a reaction. The oil residue will transfer from anything that comes into contact with the plant. Your pets, family or friends, and even other items can rub off the oil onto you. Poison oak and sumac create the same kind of irritating rashes.


Rash symptoms often appear roughly within 12 to 48 hours where your skin made contact with the oil. Symptoms fluctuate depending on your allergy level. Expect the rash to last from one to three weeks but usually, it begins clearing up by week two. Poison ivy usually has some of the following symptoms:

  • Redness
  • tching
  • Swelling
  • Blisters
  • Difficult breathing from poison ivy being burned and inhaled

Treatment for Poison Ivy

The majority of patients treat poison ivy at home without any problems. If you notice that your rash is not starting to improve then you should visit your Southington Urgent Care to get it looked at by the doctor. If you experience any of the symptoms below, you need to come to your DOCS Urgent Care in Southington:

  • Restricted breathing after inhaling the smoke from burning poison ivy
  • Blisters developing at the affected area
  • Fever
  • Oozing blisters or sores, which can be a sign of infection
  • If symptoms last for more than three weeks

DOCS Urgent Care in Southington is a part of the wider DOCS Urgent Care network. Our licensed Urgent Care clinics are managed by board-certified physicians who aim to give dependable allergy testing and treatment strategies at cost-effective rates. For more information on our allergy testing and treatment, please talk with our medical experts about your options in our Southington office, today.

Allergy Testing & Treatment in Southington When You Need It

DOCS Urgent Care – Southington, is part of the larger DOCS Urgent Care network. A network of professional Urgent Care clinics run by board-certified physicians. Our goal is to give the highest quality care to our patients while providing affordable services.


During this surge in COVID-19 cases, our primary focus is meeting the high demand for tests, and we are seeing higher than usual wait times. This means we are unable to answer most phone calls. Please know that our teams are working very hard during this time to care for as many patients as safely as possible. Please click the button below for answers to common questions. We appreciate your understanding.