Brewster Hill, NY Urgent Care
If you live in the Greater Brewster Hill, NY area, just know that DOCS Urgent Care can provide the medical care for any urgent conditions you may have. Whether you’ve broken a bone or contracted a disease you need antibiotics for, we have you covered. We accept all insurance providers and can get you medical care with little wait times and priced at a much lower cost than the emergency room. We treat Brewster Hill residents from our Danbury, CT location.
Quality, Affordable Care
1 Padanaram Rd
Danbury, CT 06811
Quality Care
Chronic Care
Affordable Treatment
DOCS Ur Health Continual Care
DOCS Ur Health is an affordable health care program with offerings for individuals, families, and businesses. Receive multiple monthly visits for different services at any of our 15 locations for a low monthly membership rate.
Some of the Urgent Services Provided in Brewster Hill
We offer x-ray services for anyone who believes they may have broken or sprained some part of their body. Whether you had a simple injury or violent accident, we can take care of you.
Allergy Testing & Treatment
Do you have a runny nose, itchy and swollen eyes, and get short of breath? You may have allergies, and DOCS Urgent Care serving Brewster can test and treat it with our local allergist. We help you tolerate offending allergens through immunotherapy, gradually diminishing your symptoms.
Flu Shots & Vaccinations
Flu shots should be administered annually to everyone over the age of six, according to the CDC Advisor Committee on Immunization Practices. The flu affects millions of people in the winter season and can be a debilitating illness. Visit our DOCS Urgent Care facility for your flu vaccination to keep yourself from contracting it.
Physicals (Annual, Sport, Camp)
Our urgent care locations can act as primary care for your annual checkup. We also provide the physical examinations typically required if your child is going off to camp or plays in a recreational sport. We perform these checkups to ensure that you and your child are at minimum risk for serious injury when partaking in physical activity.
Tick & Lyme Testing
Tick & Lyme season lasts from the spring all the way into the fall. If you’ve been outdoors and begin suffering from fever/chills, headaches, fatigue, muscle weakness, nausea or questionable rashes, it could be a sign of Lyme Disease. If left untreated, Lymes Disease can cause serious health conditions. Visit our clinic, serving Brewster Hill, for lyme testing and treatment.
STD Testing
We provide confidential STD testing and treatment for anyone in Brewster Hill who needs it. All of our information is kept in confidence, and we offer many services for walk-in patients and for people who have appointments. Many samples can be evaluated in our office after a quick test.
Workers’ Compensation
We strive to provide workers in Brewster Hill with quality medical care when disaster strikes. If you or your employee gets injured on the job, coming to DOCS Urgent Care can help you avoid the expensive bills that may be procured from an E.R. visit. We make sure to keep it as easy as possible for you or your employees to receive the medical care they need.
Your Trusted Urgent Care Serving Brewster Hill
DOCS Urgent Care – Danbury Serving Brewster Hill is part of the larger DOCS Urgent Care network. A network of professional Urgent Care clinics run by board-certified physicians. Our goal is to give the highest quality care to our patients while providing affordable services.