What To Know
When Visiting The Docs Allergy Center
Your First Visit
Stop allergy medications 7 days prior to your appointment as these medications can interfere with allergy skin testing results. Some medications can be stopped only 48 hours prior to your appointment. Below is a list of common allergy medications, and when their use must be stopped.
Step 1•
Discontinue longer acting antihistamines
7 Days Prior To Testing
- Allegra (fexofenadine) products
- Astelin / Astepro / Patanase nasal spray
- Claratin / Clarinex (loratadine / desloratidine) products
- Zytrec (cetirizine) products
- Xyzal (levocetirizine)
Discontinue short acting antihistamine containing drugs
48 Hours Prior To Testing
- Azatadine (Optimine, Trinalin)
- Brompheniramine (Bromfed, Bromphen, Cophene-B, Dallergy-JR, Dimetapp Allergy Liqui-Gels, Lordane products, Rondec, Ultrabrom products)
- Chlorpheniramine (Aller-Chlor, Atrohist products, Chlor-Trimeton, Duravent DA, Extendryl, Kronofed, Nolamine, Omade Spansule, Pediacare Allergy Formular, Erspar-A.R., Sudafed Cold and Allergy, Sunutab Sinus Allergy, Teldrin, Tylenol Cold and Allergy Products)
- Clemastine (Contact 12 Hour Allergy, Tavist products)
- Cyproheptadine (Periactin)
- Dexchlorpheniramine (Dexchlor, Polaramine)
- Dimenhydrinate ( Calm X, Dinate, Dramamine, Dramanate, Hydrate, Triptone Caplets)
- Diphenhydramine (AllerMax Caplets, Benadryl, Compoz, Diphen Cough, Diphenhist, Dormarex 2, Genahist, Hyrexin, Nervine Nightime Sleep-Aid, Nytol, Siladryl, Sleep-Eze D, Sominex, Twilite Caplets, Tylenol Cold and Allergy Products, Unisom SleepGels)
- Doxylamine (Tylenol Flu Nighttime, Unisome Nighttime Sleep Aid)
- Phenindamine (Nolahist, Nolamine, Poly-Histine products, Triaminic products)
- Tripelenamine (PBZ, PBZ-SR, Pelamine)
Discontinue acid reflux / stomach drugs (histamine Blockers)
- Cimetidine (Tagamet)
- Nizatidine (Axid)
- Famotidine (Pepcid)
- Ranitidine (Zantac)
- Zegerid
Step 2 •
Bring a list of all medications that you take
Step 3 •
Bring copies of any recent laboratory tests that your doctor may have performed including:
- Blood Counts (CBC)
- Kidney Function (Creatinine)
- Liver Function (AST /ALT/ Alk-Phos, Bilirubin)
- Thyroid Testing