When to Seek Urgent Care for Toenail Injuries in Fairfield, CT

Toenail Injuries

When to Seek Urgent Care for Toenail Injuries in Fairfield, CT

It can be surprising to see how something small as a stubbed toe can be painful and dangerous. And next thing you know, your toenail is black and blue! Facing this can be complex as you’d likely have difficulty deciding whether to wrap it up and let it heal on its own, or do you contact a health care provider?

Although you can treat some nail injuries at home, there will be times when you need a professional’s intervention. And it’s best to address toenail trauma ASAP as injuries in this area can significantly impact your life.

Read on to learn more about toenail injuries, the best time to meet up with a health care provider, and how to prevent toenail traumas altogether.

What Are the Common Causes of Toenail Injuries?

Aside from the rare instance where you stub your big toe, most toenail trauma cases come from repeated exposure to physical trauma. Active athletes, runners, or hikers often develop a condition dubbed “runner’s toe,” which causes a toenail to blacken due to repeated strain on their nails. Usually, this trauma causes bleeding under the nail, also known as “subungual hematoma.

Toenail injuries can come from unexpected physical trauma, such as accidentally hitting a blunt object with exerted force, dropping something heavy on the nails, or accidentally puncturing it. Aside from that, it can also happen from excess repetitive motion. These can include a hammer or claw toe deformity caused by weight bearing or footwear continually rubbing against the nails when walking, running, jogging, or hiking.

Medical Complications From Toenail Trauma Infection

Medical Complications From Toenail Trauma Infection

Although injuries to your toenails’ bed or tip are common in the feet and are treatable, when left untreated, these can lead to more severe medical conditions. 

Untreated lacerations or other signs of bacterial infection on the soft tissue can infect the bones underneath. And once that reaches your bones or gets into your bloodstream, you’ll likely need a course of IV antibiotics to treat it. Or worse, you may need a partial digital amputation if the infection spreads throughout your body or when the condition is severe enough. Doing so stops the spreading to your other body parts.

Signs and Symptoms of Infection on a Toenail with Trauma 

    • Subungual hematoma.
    • Severe pain. 
    • Inflammation. 
    • Redness. 
    • Your toenail releases a yellow, brown, green, red, or white discharge underneath. 
    • Raised nails. 
    • The toenails thicken.
    • Nail dystrophy (when the nail splits in half or reduces size).
    • Nail avulsion (when the whole or a portion of a nail loosens and falls off).
When to Seek Medical Attention for a Toenail Injury

When to Seek Medical Attention for a Toenail Injury?

  • If the toenail injury isn’t too severe, you can care for it at home. So, if the nail isn’t cut or torn, the bruise covers less than a quarter of it, and your toes aren’t bent or distorted, try to stop the bleeding first.
  • If the blood underneath your toenail covers over half of your nail, it’s best to go to an urgent care clinic to have it drained and relieve pressure under your nail. Never try to resolve this issue yourself.
  • If the blood under your toenails doesn’t get drained thoroughly, it can lead to an infection. And sometimes, the doctor may need to remove the nail to repair the deep tears with stitches. As simple as it sounds, it isn’t something you should try doing yourself at home.
  • An urgent care provider may need to remove nail lacerations and avulsions. And when the nail bed dries up, they may recommend applying moisturizer or antifungal cream to keep it healthy and ensure proper regrowth. Aside from that, some providers may also suggest taking prescription antibiotics to stop infection.
  • If you can’t see your provider ASAP, bandage your nails and avoid trimming or caring for them yourself.

Treatment for Toenail Trauma Pain

When over 25% of your nail plate is bleeding underneath, there’s a high chance of you having a subungual laceration or a fractured bone. If this is the case, get urgent care to avoid infection. If the nails are intact and there’s under injury to their nail bed and excess pressure, it can lead to persisting pain on your toenails that may last for a few hours or several days.

Usually, draining the hematoma will be the only safe and efficient way to give you relief. And this is only possible via sterile technique, ensuring the bacteria doesn’t get into your wound or blood.

Generally, when nearly 25% of the nail blackens, the doctor will remove it to check the nail bed underneath. Once inspected, the physician will flush the blood and clean and repair the laceration. Moreover, they’ll take your X-ray to see if you have broken bones. And if detected, doctors repair exposed bones or bone fractures via surgery.

Will My New Toenail Look Deformed

Will My New Toenail Look Deformed?

Toenails can take over a year to grow back, and the new growth might not look the same as what you had before. Any nail damage can lead to noticeable changes, making your nails look unusual. You may see grooves or ridges on your nails, which can look misshapen. Depending on the severity of the damage, these changes can be temporary or permanent. 

Is It Possible to Prevent Toenail Trauma?

Although you might not be able to stop some toenail injuries from happening, here are some things you can do to protect your toes:

  • Use footwear that fits properly. Wear shoes that are the right size. A lot of people wear shoes that are too small, which can cause a lot of problems with their feet, including toenail trauma.
  • Always keep your toenails trimmed. Properly cut your toenails to reduce the risk of rubbing or pressure.
  • Keep the moisture levels in control if you have sweaty feet. If you’re vulnerable to sweaty feet, spraying your feet with antiperspirant before doing strenuous activities is ideal. People who tend to have sweaty or moist feet have a higher chance of getting ingrown toenails.
  • Invest in silicone or gel toe caps. If you’re susceptible to a toenail trap, wear toe caps or silicone to prevent blisters, rubbing irritation, or toenail loss.

Bottom Line 

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above after getting your toenail injury, seek immediate care from a reliable urgent care clinic in Fairfield, CT, for an accurate diagnosis and efficient treatment ASAP. DOCS Fairfield Urgent Care in Fairfield, CT, offers all medical emergencies including toenail injuries, providing quality care for all patients.

Monkeypox Outbreak: What You Need to Know

Monkeypox Outbreak DOCS Medical Group

Monkeypox Outbreak: What You Need to Know

A new outbreak is on the rise, and it isn’t something to take lightly. The World Health Organization (WHO) recently declared monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern, meaning there are risks of developing worldwide transmission patterns. With the COVID-19 pandemic still looming, it’s essential to be aware of the symptoms of monkeypox and how to prevent its spread.

What is Monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a rare but somewhat more dangerous cousin of smallpox. The virus was initially identified in monkeys and only affected this species. However, the recent change in how monkeypox is passed from one person to another has led scientists and doctors worldwide to worry about what this will do for human health.

Monkeypox Timeline

According to WHO, the first human case of monkeypox was identified in 1970. It had a relatively rare infection rate for decades until 2003, when 47 people across America were diagnosed with it related to their pet prairie dogs they came into contact with at home or work.

In 2005, a study conducted in the Republic of Congo revealed six cases of monkeypox in humans with an uninterrupted chain linking them all together.

The 2017 outbreak of Monkeypox in Nigeria has captured the attention and concern of many people. The males involved were found to have not come into close contact with any wild primates at all. However, some symptoms involved lesions, prompting researchers to wonder if they might have caught their illness from various human activities. Following this, researchers published a 2019 paper discussing possible modes for the virus’s human transmission.

However, these findings are still yet to be proven as they lack evidence to support their claim. In other words, these activities may be one of the ways it can spread and not the leading cause of the disease.

Fast forward to today, the virus has spread like wildlife, with more than 30,000 cases recorded across 89 countries as of this writing — including the United States.

Monkeypox Transmission DOCS Medical Group

Monkeypox Transmission

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), monkeypox is a rare but severe infection that can be transmitted through close person-to-person contact with lesions, body fluids, and respiratory droplets. The virus also spreads when objects like clothing or bedding become infected by an individual who has been directly exposed to the item’s surface bacteria before they become sick themselves. This process of “contamination” often occurs during everyday activities such as work, where hands come into contact with various surfaces while handling metal tools near animal cages at zoos.

Additionally, monkeypox is not as quickly transmitted through casual contact compared to coronavirus. You can only catch it if you have prolonged physical proximity, like cuddling or talking closely with somebody infected. The risk of contracting the disease is also high since the virus tends to stay on surfaces with more opportunities for others to come into direct contact.

    • Direct contact with the infected person
    • Exposure to surfaces, objects, and personal belongings of the infected person
    • Prolonged exposure to the patient’s respiratory secretions
    • Scratch or bites from infected animals
    • Eating the meat of infected animals
    • Pregnant women to their fetus through the placenta

The incubation period for monkeypox is typically between 3 to 17 days, with symptoms lasting up to 4 weeks. If you have symptoms that last longer than four weeks, it’s best to contact your primary care doctor or make an appointment at one of Fairfield, CT’s most trusted urgent care clinics. The severity of the disease can range from mild to severe, depending on the patient’s current health and route of exposure.

Signs and Symptoms of Monkeypox - urgent care fairfield ct

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Monkeypox?

    • Rashes or blisters (on the face, around/inside the mouth, and all over the body)
    • Flu
    • Fever
    • Sores
    • Scabs
    • Fatigue
    • Lesions
    • Body pain
    • Swollen lymph nodes

How Can I Protect Myself Against Monkeypox?

Unfortunately, there is currently no vaccine to protect against monkeypox as of this writing. However, since monkeypox and smallpox are similar in their genetic makeup, CDC suggests the smallpox vaccine may offer some protection against the virus. This means that the antiviral drugs developed to protect against smallpox may be used as a preventative or treatment for monkeypox.

The agency also advises people to avoid contact with infected animals and close contact with people infected with the virus. It’s also essential to practice good hygiene, such as washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, as well as disinfecting surfaces that may have been exposed to the virus.

If you think you’ve come into contact with monkeypox or are experiencing symptoms, it’s essential to seek medical attention immediately. At DOCS Urgent Care & Primary Care Fairfield, our board-certified urgent care providers can evaluate and assess if you’re at risk for the virus. We also offer on-site x-rays, lab testing, and prescribing medication to help ease your symptoms. Plus, we accept most major insurance plans. Contact us today or visit us online to check in for your next urgent care visit.

10 Common Conditions That Urgent Care in Fairfield, CT Can Treat

10 Common Conditions That Urgent Care in Fairfield, CT Can Treat

If you’ve meant to slice a carrot but sliced your finger instead, is it a good idea to go to the ER or urgent care for stitches? Your cost-efficient and immediate choice might be going to an urgent care in Fairfield, CT. After all, these establishments treat minor injuries like lacerations or medical conditions much more affordable than going to the ER. Aside from that, urgent care clinics often have a shorter wait time and faster treatment.

What is Urgent Care, and When Should You Use It?

Should the cut on your knees or pain in your chest send you to the ER or an urgent care clinic? It’s challenging to decide in the heat of the moment. That’s why we’re making it easier for you by creating this clear-cut description of where’s the best place to go for the care you require. Chronic or life-threatening emergencies like myocardial infarction or throbbing head injury require a visit to the ER. Meanwhile, illnesses or injuries that don’t appear to be life-threatening but can’t be left till the next day for treatment must be treated at an urgent care clinic. Urgent care clinics offer easy access to top-quality healthcare for the times when your primary care physician isn’t available. They also have the expertise, equipment, and facilities to provide personalized attention to ensure that patients with urgent health needs receive the best care 24/7.

1. Wounds or Lacerations

If you’ve cut your hand while chopping off veggies at home, bashed your thumb with a hammer, or dropped a heavy item on your toes, go to your urgent care clinic for immediate treatment. These medical providers are more than qualified to treat most skin wounds and lacerations. They can stitch your cut skin together, take an X-ray to see if you have broken bones, or evaluate any scrapes or sores on your body. Aside from that, these providers may also give you a tetanus shot or prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection in your wounds.

2. Vaginitis

Many women can experience vaginal itching and sometimes discharge. And when these happen, no woman wants to wait excruciating hours for an appointment to see a gynecologist. Instead, you can get immediate treatment for the debilitating condition at an urgent care clinic. Urgent care providers can diagnose the cause of the itching or discharge and recommend the best treatment approach, whether through an OTC cream or prescription medication.

3. Coughing or Bronchitis

Coughing can be a symptom of multiple medical conditions, such as bronchitis or pneumonia. Urgent care staff from an urgent care clinic can diagnose and treat coughing no matter how severe or old the patient is. Meanwhile, you can receive immediate care for your worsening coughing at an urgent care clinic if you have chronic bronchitis. But other symptoms like severe worsening of an asthma attack or general difficulty in breathing require immediate intervention, and you should always consider it a medical emergency.

4. Sprains, Strains, or Broken Bones

Parents with rambunctious kids at home, those who like to do construction at home, or weekend warriors must know the location of the nearest urgent care clinic. After all, it’s an excellent place to have minor injuries checked and treated. The medical practitioners can take your X-ray to see if you have broken bones, put a cast on the affected area, or refer you to the ER for more extensive fractures that may need surgical intervention.

5. Nausea or Diarrhea

If you’ve developed nausea or diarrhea and can’t schedule a same-day appointment with your primary care provider, the clinicians at an urgent care clinic can treat you. For more sensitive or vulnerable patients like infants or older individuals, diagnosing the cause of diarrhea ASAP is crucial to avoid succumbing to life-threatening dehydration. So you can see why going to an urgent care clinic if your primary doctor isn’t available is an excellent alternative. Aside from that, the medical practitioners can also help you determine the cause of your nausea and suggest the best treatment. 

After visiting an urgent care center, parents must take their kids to a follow-up appointment with their pediatricians.

6. Allergies

Individuals with severe allergic reactions must always go directly to the ER for immediate medical treatment. However, urgent care staff may offer treatment for other allergic reactions that alleviate symptoms’ severity. For example, you can receive primary care at an urgent care clinic if you’re experiencing allergic reactions with hives, itching, or rashes.

Signs and Symptoms of Monkeypox - urgent care fairfield ct

7. Insect Bites or Rashes

Urgent care clinics can provide immediate care for rashes, bumps, or reddening on the skin. They can determine the cause behind these. For instance, they can see if your painful or itchy welts come from an insect bite or if contact with poison ivy is responsible for your flaming rashes. Either way, an urgent care specialist can recommend the best treatment once they’ve diagnosed the issue. And these range from OTC skin creams to prescription drugs. Moreover, these professionals may also refer you to a dermatologist if necessary for a more in-depth evaluation.

8. Common Cold, Flu, or Sinus Infection

Flu-like symptoms can mean many things, making it challenging to determine what you’re currently experiencing. But instead of self-diagnosing yourself for a cold, sinus infection, or flu, head to urgent care. Urgent care staff can determine the cause behind your symptoms and suggest the best treatment, whether rest or prescription medication. Many individuals pick urgent care to diagnose their flu, pneumonia, sinusitis, or seasonal allergies.

9. Bladder Infection or UTI

Painful urination can be debilitating to both men and women, and it may feel like an emergency when urinary frequency and pressure lead to severe discomfort. But instead of waiting long hours at the ER to address these symptoms, you can receive immediate treatment at an urgent care clinic. These providers can take a urine sample and have it tested on the spot to see if you have a common infection that’s treatable with antibiotics.

10. Work-Related Injury

A few urgent care clinics offer more services, especially those providers with emergency room experience. If you’ve attained a non-life-threatening work-related injury, you can get treatment at an urgent care clinic. Aside from the regular strains, sprains, broken bone, cuts or lacerations, and burns, emergency medical providers can also help patients with uncommon work-related injuries like:

    • Pulled muscles
    • Overexertion
    • RSIs (repetitive strain injuries)
    • Trauma


Receiving immediate health care services in Fairfield, CT, should be accessible for all those with an illness or injury, no matter what kind of urgent care service you need. DOCS Fairfield Urgent Care gives everyone quick and efficient local urgent care. No matter what medical services you require — we are here to provide them!

Primary Care Physician vs. Urgent Care Center in Fairfield, CT: Where and When Should You Go?

Primary Care Physician vs. Urgent Care Center in Fairfield, CT: Where and When Should You Go?

Primary Care Physician vs. Urgent Care Center in Fairfield, CT: Where and When Should You Go?

“Should I go see my regular doctor?”

You’ve probably asked yourself this question more than you’d like to admit. 

Whenever you’re unsure if you’re feeling sick or not, you’re more likely to think of going to your doctor automatically. But what if you don’t want to mess up everything you’ve lined up for the day? You’ve got a lot to do, and you’re probably wondering about the alternatives you can do instead of checking in to your doctor. 

After all, setting an appointment with the doctor can be tedious. Most of the time, you need to schedule for a doctor’s time days in advance, not to mention all the calls and messages being put on hold and getting your schedule weeks ahead. By that time, you’ve already regained your strength back!

Being unsure whether you’re sick and not having the energy to go through those tedious processes is understandable. Often, you want to check yourself in with a medical professional who can address your concerns as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this kind of “urgent” need can’t be solved promptly by a busy doctor.

Luckily for you, an urgent care can.

This article will discuss the differences between a primary care physician and an urgent care physician, where to go, and when you should seek out their help.

The Difference Between Primary Care Physicians and Urgent Care Centers in Fairfield, CT

Both primary care physicians and urgent care centers are crucial in maintaining your overall health. However, each of them serves its distinct purpose. They also offer different services and treatments, and most importantly, they differ in how they handle and deal with their respective patients. 

Let’s take a look at their differences.

Primary Care Physician

Primary Care Physician in Fairfield, CT

A primary care physician (PCP) is a general practitioner who acts as the first point of contact whenever you need to address anything health-related. They’ve spent years studying and training to prevent, diagnose, and treat many illnesses and injuries that a typical individual would usually encounter. As a result, they provide comprehensive care and can address more complicated and chronic conditions such as diabetes, bronchitis, and other uncomplicated health conditions such as allergic reactions and flu.

You can find primary care physicians practicing their careers in various settings, such as:

  • Clinics
  • Private/Group practices
  • Long-term care facilities
  • Hospitals (outpatient and inpatient)
Different Types of Primary Care Physicians

Different Types of Primary Care Physicians

Primary care physicians may be generalists, but different areas of human health need to be addressed separately. Because of that, primary care physicians tend to specialize in how they practice their profession.

Family Doctors. These generalists cater to people of all ages. They are trained to treat chronic conditions, evaluate symptoms, and provide preventative care. They can also refer their patients to specialists if necessary.

Internists. These physicians have in-depth knowledge of internal medicine and can treat acute and chronic conditions inside the body. They mainly deal with internal organs such as the heart, kidneys, and lungs.

Pediatricians. These doctors are much like family doctors but only deal with younger patients, from infants to teenagers – up until 21 years old. 

Geriatricians. Unlike pediatricians, geriatricians specialize in treating older adults. As a result, these professionals are exceptionally proficient at dealing with issues typically found in the elderly, such as dementia, osteoporosis, and diabetes.


Obstetrician-gynecologists (OB-GYN). One of the most popular types of physicians, an OB-GYN, is a medical professional specializing in women’s health, particularly reproductive health, pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum conditions.

Nurse Practitioners (NPs) and Physician Assistants (PAs). Both of these professionals are crucial in providing primary care. NPs abide by the patient-centered model, while PAs adhere to a disease-focused approach.

When to Go to Primary Care Physician

When to Go to Primary Care Physician

Since primary care physicians are in charge of a person’s overall health and well-being, they are the people you go to for regular health checkups. Their expertise in their respective fields makes it easy for them to run routine maintenance of your health, as it helps prevent and diagnose critical illnesses as early as possible. 

To put it simply, primary care physicians are your go-to practitioners for routine checkups and medical examinations.

Some of the illnesses primary care physicians can treat are the following:

  • Cuts and scratches
  • Sprains and strains
  • Burns
  • Sore throat
  • Bronchitis
  • Flu
  • Chicken Pox
  • Pneumonia
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism
  • Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)


Why Go to a Primary Care Physician

Primary care physicians will give you an idea of how your overall health is performing. Their skills can give you the general care necessary to keep your body in optimal condition. The healthcare they provide is much more stable than any urgent care in Fairfield, CT, especially when new illnesses or situations arise. 

You can also consult your primary care provider if you need to address non-emergency medical concerns, like sleeping problems, mental health concerns, and minor injuries. Since their practice involves general health, they are best positioned to back and bolster your long-term health.

Urgent Care in Fairfield, CT

Unlike primary care physicians, urgent care in Fairfield, CT, cannot give you the bigger picture of your current health. However, they are your go-to establishment when you need immediate medical assistance. They provide easy access to quality healthcare whenever your primary care provider is unavailable.

Say, for example, you get your finger cut, requiring stitches. It’s not a life-or-death situation that requires you to go to an emergency room, yet it’s not a condition suitable for a doctor that would need to be scheduled days in advance. This is where urgent care centers shine the most because they can handle pressing medical issues fast – just how you need them to be.

When to Go to an Urgent Care Center in Fairfield, CT

When to Go to an Urgent Care Center in Fairfield, CT

While both primary and urgent care establishments are staffed with board-certified doctors and often offer the same services, the treatment you’d get at these places will be provided by either a nurse practitioner or a physician’s assistant. The goal of all urgent care in Fairfield, CT, is to deliver convenient and prompt treatment to your immediate medical concerns rather than full-blown care – either preventative or primary care.

So how can these establishments help you? Urgent care in Fairfield, CT, like DOCS Urgent Care & Primary Care Fairfield, can provide treatment to a wide variety of illnesses and injuries, such as:

  • Moderate back problems
  • Minor fractures
  • Abdominal pain
  • Small cuts that require stitches
  • Infections
  • Eye infections
  • Sprains and strains
  • Rashes
  • Insect and animal bites
  • Fevers 
  • allergic reactions
  • Mild breathing difficulties

Aside from treating illnesses and injuries, they also offer diagnostic and vaccination services. Some of these offerings include:

  • Vaccinations 
  • X-ray
  • Allergy shots
  • Flu shots
  • COVID-19 testing
  • DOT Physicals
  • STD testing
  • TB testing
  • HIV testing
  • Lyme testing
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG)
  • Screening

Why Go to an Urgent Care Center

All urgent care in Fairfield, CT, is designed under a specific medical care model where patients can walk in on a clinic, get the care they need, and get discharged. These establishments deliver top-quality care for non-life-threatening conditions quickly, efficiently, and timely. Instead of going to a primary care physician or an emergency room (which would take a considerable amount of time), you can go to an urgent care to get yourself patched up swiftly.

Urgent care issues are conditions that require immediate (but not emergency) medical attention within 24 hours. So if you’re thinking of getting to urgent care in Fairfield, CT, if your primary care provider is inaccessible or is fully booked with appointments, then yes, you definitely can. Keep in mind, however, that no one in the establishment has proper knowledge of your medical knowledge as deep as your primary care provider.

Get the Healthcare You Deserve With DOCS Urgent Care & Primary Care Fairfield

Get the Healthcare You Deserve With DOCS Urgent Care & Primary Care Fairfield

You can count on DOCS Urgent Care & Primary Care Fairfield to give you both primary and urgent care in Fairfield, CT. We have in-house primary care physicians who can provide you with quality and patient-focused care and urgent care staff that can handle almost all medical conditions that require immediate treatment – all at an affordable price. We also accept all insurance.

Here Are 8 Tips on How to Choose the Best Urgent Care in Fairfield, CT

Here Are 8 Tips on How to Choose the Best Urgent Care in Fairfield, CT

Here Are 8 Tips on How to Choose the Best Urgent Care in Fairfield, CT


Urgent care clinics are becoming the more attractive alternative to emergency rooms amongst the residents of the U.S. There are now over 9,000 urgent care centers operating in the country. Unfortunately, this rising number of facilities and different services make it even harder for patients to choose the most suitable healthcare provider.

With the number of urgent care centers spread across the U.S., how do you know the best one for you? To help you decide, we’ve listed some important considerations when choosing the best urgent care in Fairfield, CT, that will take care of your healthcare needs the way you deserve it.

Confirm if they accept insurance

1. Confirm if they accept insurance

Everybody knows how expensive healthcare is in the U.S., even if you have insurance. With that in mind, you need to avoid surprise bills and out-of-pocket costs by picking urgent care that belongs to your insurance plan’s network. Luckily for you, there’s a lot of urgent care in Fairfield, CT, that accepts multiple different insurance plans. 

For example, DOCS Urgent Care & Primary Care Fairfield accepts all insurances, giving their patients a wide range of payment choices. You, as a patient, shouldn’t feel like you are being limited or restricted in getting the medical care you need, especially money-wise. 

Try asking your insurance provider for a complete list of urgent care that are willing to accept your insurance plans to understand how many urgent care options you can choose.

See how much their rates are

2. See how much their rates are

Unfortunately, insurance plans are just one of the determinants of your possible medical costs. At a time, patients were met with surprising bills that were too far-fetched from the original costs they had to pay. To avoid that problem, the government passed the No Surprises Act, where no one should be responsible for any surprise billing for emergency care needs involving insurance plans.

Even if the act is already effective, it is still vital for you to have a good understanding of how much you should be paying after receiving urgent care. Luckily for you, urgent care in Fairfield, CT, is much cheaper than ER costs. Therefore, it’s also a good idea to choose an urgent care provider that offers quality yet affordable medical services so you can save more money.

3. Try your best to shorten your visit.

Urgent care is widely popular because of how convenient they are. The average waiting time of urgent care in Fairfield, CT, is only 15 to 45 minutes, which is pretty short compared to ERs with an average waiting time of one and a half hours. Of course, we’re not even mentioning how it would take you around 2.25 hours before they discharge you.

To get the most out of your time, experts advise you to choose an urgent care provider that belongs to your more extensive care network. Establishments linked to a broader network of care providers can drastically reduce the time you’d spend tediously filling out lengthy medical history forms.

Some other ways to make your visit quick and seamless are the following:

  • Schedule a Virtual Visit instead of face-to-face consultation
  • Choose an extended weekday/weekend schedule to accommodate your urgent needs when your primary care provider is unavailable
  • Find urgent care that is not usually understaffed
Find out if they can easily connect you to your primary care doctor or other specialists

4. Find out if they can easily connect you to your primary care doctor or other specialists.

Another reason to choose an urgent care provider that is part of a more extensive network is to ensure that follow-ups are seamlessly executed. Making sure that your urgent care provider is not an independent entity will save you time and speed up any follow-up tasks you must accomplish to finish receiving your medical care.

A good example would be DOCS Urgent Care & Primary Care Fairfield. We are part of a much more extensive network called DOCS Medical Group, which extends to over 15 locations. So we can easily refer you to other specialists or facilities that can provide better care.

Connecting to a much more extensive network can also make medical records more accessible. Each entity on our network can get a hold of your documents and share them with other care providers like pharmacists and chiropractors so you can receive care and get results faster than anticipated.

5. Check their list of services.

While most urgent care centers offer many services besides medical care, it’s still advisable to see if particular urgent care in Fairfield, CT has the service you need. Find out if they offer diagnostic services like x-rays, drug tests, and more. See if they have on-site laboratory facilities and pharmacy services. If you require care for your chronic illness, ask them if they have the staff and equipment that can cater to your needs.

6. Review their credentials

Establishments staffed with board-certified physicians and other trained personnel like physician’s assistants and nurse practitioners are usually capable of providing high-level care. They have the skills necessary to accomplish tests and treatments quickly and efficiently, and you should expect your visit to be a breeze if those kinds of professionals are present in your choice of urgent care.

All DOCS Urgent Care & Primary Care Fairfield staff are vetted to ensure they are the best in their respective fields. Both nurse practitioners and physician assistants work directly under the wings of a certified physician. They will ensure that you get the care you need quickly, efficiently, and promptly.

Observe how they treat their patients

7. Observe how they treat their patients

Even if urgent care can accommodate their patients much faster than ERs, how they treat their customers will still vary. You might think that scrutinizing and evaluating an urgent care’s core principles and philosophies is a waste of time, but they will help you understand how they treat their patients. Take the time to read the mission and vision of the company to see what kind of service and treatment they deliver to their clients.

Remember that quick, seamless, and convenient healthcare services don’t have to come at the expense of compassion and care. So be sure to choose urgent care in Fairfield, CT, that treats their patients like human beings instead of numbers that will go by at the end of the day.

Quick, seamless, and convenient services don’t have to come at the expense of compassion and care towards patients. 

Know their reputation in the community

8. Know their reputation in the community

Reputation plays a crucial role in choosing the best urgent care for you. This is the final piece of the puzzle you need to cement your decision. To further understand an urgent care’s standing in the community, research the facility’s history and the healthcare company it’s connected to. It will give you peace of mind, knowing that you’ve chosen reputable urgent care with no bad records in the past.

The folks at DOCS Urgent Care & Primary Care Fairfield have been delivering top-quality urgent care services for the people of Fairfield, CT. Throughout the years, they have shown what it’s like to be professional and compassionate to their patients simultaneously. This gives the people of Fairfield the confidence to trust us with their urgent care needs.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right urgent care provider for your needs may sound complicated initially, but with the proper criteria, you can quickly vet the best from the rest. Be sure to select urgent care that will give you quality healthcare while practicing compassion and concern towards you as a person. These two qualities alone will help you decide whether the urgent care you’ve chosen is proper for you or not.

Urgent Care Know-How: When to Visit Urgent Care in Fairfield, CT, and What to Expect

Urgent Care Know-How: When to Visit Urgent Care in Fairfield, CT, and What to Expect

Urgent care centers are becoming a popular alternative for addressing modern healthcare issues. These establishments are ideal for immediate medical concerns that are not life-threatening. In addition, according to 2021 research, urgent care is an excellent option for those unable to access their primary care provider, especially outside the doctor’s business hours.

Understanding when to go to urgent care in Fairfield, CT, and setting appropriate expectations is necessary for you to have a pleasant and smooth experience. Below are some things you should know about visiting urgent care and what you should expect.

What is Considered an Emergency Medical Situation

What is Considered an Emergency Medical Situation?

A handful of conditions can be considered an emergency, particularly those that put patients in life-or-death situations. These circumstances require immediate attention within 24 hours, or else the patient’s condition will get worse. Often, these situations require rapid or advanced treatment that only the facilities in a hospital can accommodate.

Some symptoms and conditions where an emergency room would be more useful include the following:

  • Serious burns
  • Chest pains
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Compound fractures, broken bones, or dislocated joints
  • Seizures, convulsions, or loss of consciousness
  • Severe cuts that require stitches
  • Facial lacerations
  • Deep wounds (from knife or gunshot)
  • Pregnancy-related issues
  • Heart attack symptoms
  • Suicidal or homicidal feelings
  • Severe cold or flu symptoms
  • Poisoning
  • Uncontrollable bleeding
  • Head or eye injury

Going to urgent care in Fairfield, CT, while experiencing these situations can potentially be fatal, not to mention a waste of time since most urgent care clinics don’t have the facilities to address these problems. If you go to urgent care with these conditions, you’re more likely to be sent to the nearest ER.

What is Considered an Urgent Medical Situation

What is Considered an Urgent Medical Situation?

It’s important to remember that urgent care is not an emergency room. Urgent care clinics cater to non-life-threatening conditions that don’t necessarily need advanced treatment within 24 hours; otherwise, the patient’s life is in danger. However, urgent care is fully capable of handling minor health issues. Therefore, they are a perfect alternative when you can’t contact your primary care doctor for urgent treatment.

Here are some symptoms and conditions that are ideal for urgent care clinics:

  • Rashless fever
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Persistent diarrhea
  • Minor cuts that need stitches
  • Mild flu symptoms
  • Abdominal pain
  • Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
  • Insect bites or stings
  • Sprains
  • Mild asthma attacks
  • Strep throat
  • Sprains and strains
  • Moderate back problems
  • Eye irritation and redness

Specific urgent care in Fairfield, CT, like DOCS Urgent Care & Primary Care Fairfield, also offers diagnostic services such as x-rays, COVID-19 tests, drug tests, STD tests, and more. Additionally, they offer chronic urgent care to patients with chronic diseases – something most urgent care in the area doesn’t offer.

What to Expect in an Urgent Care in Fairfield, CT

What to Expect in an Urgent Care in Fairfield, CT?

If it’s your first time visiting urgent care in Fairfield, CT, then it’s understandable if you don’t know what to expect. They are known for delivering solutions to modern healthcare issues that don’t require the facilities of an emergency room. These establishments are also known for giving fast and convenient services, making them an ideal choice for those who can’t immediately go to their primary care provider or a hospital.

Here are some things you should expect on your first urgent care visit.

No Need for Reservations

Receiving immediate medical care shouldn’t be as complicated as it already is. Often, patients have to book a doctor’s appointment days in advance. That’s not the case for urgent clinics, as their specialty delivers prompt medical services without needing reservations. Most urgent care clinics entertain walk-in patients, making it easy for said patients to get their medical concerns addressed with minimal wait times.

Shorter Wait Times

Emergency rooms are notorious for having long queues, with an average wait time of an hour and a half before getting their issues addressed and approximately 2.25 hours before they get discharged. With urgent care in Fairfield, CT, you only need to wait around 15 to 45 minutes. You can even reduce this wait time by checking in online. With the rise of telemedicine, it’s now possible to have online medical history forms. With the necessary documents already submitted, your wait time can be dramatically reduced.

Paid Services

It’s important to remember that urgent care in Fairfield, CT, like hospitals, is run like a business establishment. While urgent care services are not free, their rates are much cheaper compared to the bills you’d get from an emergency room. Depending on your insurance plan’s deductible, an average ER visit could set you back $1,000, while a copay for an urgent care visit for an insured patient will range from $35 to $75. Of course, the cost will vary depending on your insurance and the services provided, including X-rays, throat cultures, sutures, and injections.

Not All Urgent Care Clinics Are the Same

Not All Urgent Care Clinics Are the Same

Urgent care clinics are, unfortunately, not all the same. While some are certified, some are not. Some clinics like DOCS Urgent Care & Primary Care Fairfield have the facilities for physicals, tests, shots, and vaccinations, while others don’t have the equipment to handle these needs.

Patients must explore their options first and identify urgent care in Fairfield, CT, that can specifically cater to their medical needs. Additionally, check for reviews and testimonials so you can better understand how they operate and treat their clients.

Telemedicine Making Things Easier

As mentioned earlier, telemedicine is starting to be a helpful tool for doctors and patients. With telemedicine, urgent care patients can schedule a virtual appointment with a doctor to address their medical concerns in the safety and comfort of their homes. Following their appointment, you can go to the urgent care to obtain whatever test you’re required to take.

Common symptoms that can be addressed using telemedicine are minor health concerns like colds, UTIs, headaches, flu, acid reflux, and some skin conditions, to name a few.

Know their reputation in the community

You May Not Be Attended by a Doctor

Before you visit urgent care, setting proper expectations is essential. While many urgent care centers have doctors as their staff, they also have primary care physicians and nurse practitioners trained to diagnose and treat various health conditions. Regardless of the medical professional who will attend to you, they will likely recommend you go to your primary care provider after you get your treatment.


Urgent care is starting to be a preferred option for many patients who require immediate yet non-life threatening situations. You must know when to go to urgent care and set proper expectations, especially if it’s your first time visiting one. A good grasp of what urgent care in Fairfield, CT, can offer will make the experience more convenient and seamless.

Importance of Urgent Care Clinic

Importance of Urgent Care Clinic

Importance of Urgent Care Clinic

One of the main issues the American healthcare system is currently dealing with is the lack of primary care physicians. One in five respondents in a National Public Radio (PNR) survey from 2016 reported being unable to see their primary care physician due to a shortage of available appointment hours. This problem highlights the necessity for a quick, inexpensive, and practical method of providing medical care to individuals in need in the nation. This is one of the leading causes of the Urgent Care Medicine model’s popularity among Americans, particularly in Fairfield, CT.

The town of Fairfield, CT, has its fair share of health issues. In a report by Well Being in the Nation Network, the percentage of obese adults in Fairfield, CT, was 21% in 2013. The report also showed that 32 out of 100,000 people died from alcohol abuse, drug overdose, and suicide, all associated with mental health issues. The town of Fairfield, CT, has other health issues such as allergies, broken bones, and injuries from accidents, just like any town in the United States. With the seeming difficulty in accessing primary care physicians, urgent care clinics are starting to be a more convenient way for many residents of Fairfield, CT.

This article will discuss what urgent care clinics are and why they are essential.

Understanding the Importance of Urgent Care Clinics in Fairfield, CT

Urgent care is designed to provide medical care for non-life threatening illnesses or injuries. This type of medical care model is structured conveniently, where the patient will enter the facility, get the medical attention they need, and get back with their lives as soon as they exit the facility. 

According to a report released by the Urgent Care Association of America (UCAOA), an astounding 92% of urgent care centers claimed that their wait times were about 30 minutes or less in 2015, which is significantly lesser than the average waiting time of emergency rooms, which is about one and a half hours.

Aside from the significantly shorter waiting time, urgent care clinics are more accessible than other alternatives like emergency rooms. A typical urgent care clinic in Fairfield, CT, like DOCS Urgent Care &  Primary Care Fairfield, is open for 12 hours every day of the week. A walk-in appointment with an urgent care clinic is far more convenient than mid-week appointments with any primary care physician. 

Urgent care provides a better, more accessible, and more convenient alternative to those requiring urgent medical attention. However, having them at the ready also opens up many more rooms in the ERs, which are notoriously busy and always at total capacity.

What is Urgent Care, and When Should You Use It?

It’s generally tricky to know whether you should go to an urgent care clinic in Fairfield, CT, or an emergency room. What if you have a massive cut on your finger? What if it’s bleeding profusely? How about if you’re experiencing difficulty in breathing? It certainly is challenging to be sure, and during the heat of the situation, you are most likely to go to an emergency room and wait for hours before you get admitted.

To make matters easier, here’s an excellent question to ask yourself to help you decide whether you should be admitted to urgent care or an emergency room:

Is my condition life-threatening?

If your answer is yes, you must go to an ER. Cases like blunt force trauma to the head, heart attack, and stab wounds are life-threatening cases and require the facilities of an ER. An emergency room has all the trained staff, equipment, and amenities to handle such cases.

But if you’re not mortally wounded or not in a dangerous situation, the best thing to do is go to an urgent care clinic in Fairfield, CT. The urgent care facilities are designed to handle pressing conditions but not severe enough to endanger your life at the given moment, hence the term urgent.

What is Considered an Urgent Medical Condition?

Now that you understand what urgent care is and when to go to one, it’s time to learn under what specific circumstances you should go to an urgent care. As mentioned, urgent care clinics in Fairfield, CT, are designed to accommodate non-life threatening cases. 

Urgent care conditions are characterized by situations that are not considered emergencies yet still require medical care and attention within 24 hours. Some of these conditions include the following:

  • Broken bones
  • Accidents and falls
  • Cuts that don’t bleed profusely but still require some stitching 
  • Difficulty in breathing 
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Skin rashes and infections
  • Eye irritations and redness
  • Fever or flu
  • Sprains and strains
  • Vomiting, diarrhea, or dehydration
  • Back problems
  • Diagnostic tests (X-rays, laboratory tests, etc.)
  • Severe sore throat or cough

These are just a few urgent conditions that an urgent care clinic in Fairfield, CT, can adequately care for. However, if your condition is an emergency and requires medical attention ASAP, you should go to an ER.

Benefits of Urgent Care

Benefits of Urgent Care

An urgent care specialized facility is designed to handle general health conditions and urgent medical situations. Such a model makes them highly beneficial to those who require immediate aid but do not necessarily go to an ER and wait for hours. These facilities are also excellent if you’re required to undergo some tests if going to the nearest hospital means traveling for miles or going to the next town.

Below are some of the benefits of urgent care.

More Accessible Than a Doctor’s Office

Unlike doctors who are only available at specific times of the day, an urgent care clinic in Fairfield, CT, has a more flexible schedule. These establishments have extended hours, are open during weekends, and some urgent cares are available during holiday seasons! 

More Affordable than Emergency Rooms

Going to urgent care for non-emergency situations is far better than spending a surprising amount on ERs or even a primary doctor. It also helps that urgent care clinics are meant to handle general health conditions, so you won’t have to pay for specialized facilities like those in an ER.

Much Faster than Emergency Rooms

As mentioned above, urgent care clinics have significantly shorter waiting times than emergency rooms. They typically offer a quicker service than an ER, and you won’t have to wait hours on end before a trained medical professional will be able to help you. Doctor’s offices tend to double book (or even triple book) their patients, so it’s usually much better to go to an urgent care rather than an ER for non-lethal conditions.

Walk-In Appointments

Waiting for hours to see your doctor can be stressful at times. However, you won’t have to book an appointment day in advance in urgent care; you can go right in whenever you’re ready.

Can Handle Complex Medical Conditions

Contrary to popular belief, urgent care clinics in Fairfield, CT, can also handle medical issues that are more complex than general health problems like asthma or broken bones. For starters, the DOCS Urgent Care & Primary Care Fairfield team offers care management and coordination to those with chronic diseases. In addition, they have specialists who can care for complex health problems, which means you don’t need to visit multiple doctors just to be serviced continuously.

Final Thoughts

Urgent care is a medical service model garnering more attention in the United States. Because of its convenience and speed, many people in non-life threatening situations can quickly get their conditions treated without waiting hours or hours in an ER. You can think of urgent care as the middle ground between minute clinics and emergency rooms – where you can get your non-emergency medical situation well taken care of at an affordable price.

11 Simple Tips on How To Select The Best Primary Care Provider

How to select the best primary care provider

11 Simple Tips on How To Select The Best Primary Care Provider

Prioritizing your health these days is non-negotiable. Having an expert medical professional means, you enjoy life with a health expert at your back. They can give you the medical attention when you need it and possibly, where you need it. For this reason, having access to a primary care provider is a must. But do you know how to select the best primary care provider?

Below are some tips you’d need to find the best provider for your medical needs.

Understand What You Need

Understanding that there is a problem is the first step toward solving it. To find a good primary care doctor, you need to identify your healthcare needs first. Your needs may vary from physical, mental, emotional, or physical, to name a few. 

To identify your health needs, you must first ask yourself important questions. For example, are you suffering from a specific ailment? What medical conditions do you particularly require? What part of your body needs medical attention the most? Formulating questions like these and answering them can help you fully understand what you’d need from a primary care doctor.

Check for primary care services offer

Check the Services They Offer

Primary care providers will often offer various services to their patients. Your job is to check what they provide to understand what service options are available for you. You’d want to find a doctor who offers a wide range of services instead of seeking different facilities to cater to your diverse needs.

For example, if you prefer receiving treatments from your home rather than on hospital grounds, you’d want to find a primary care doctor who can service you in your home. Therefore, it would be more advantageous to choose such providers instead of going out of your way. 

Consider their Experience

When selecting a primary care provider, you should choose someone who has experience in their field. Primary care providers are your first stop in medical care, so you must be sure that whomever you’re picking is fit for the job. Most primary care physicians are doctors, but nurse practitioners and physician assistants can be PCPs too.

Choose a primary care provider with a proven track record in their respective specialties. You can also ask them if they have board certifications. Additionally, try asking them for past patient references and their employment history. Every patient-caregiver relationship must start with trust between the two parties, and asking them for their qualifications can help establish that trust.

Check if They’re Certified

Certifications are solid and tangible proof that a primary care provider has the training and necessary skill set to offer their services. To know if they are certified, ask them for three documents.

Accreditation. Accredited primary care providers went through rigorous training beyond their academic credentials to sharpen their aptitudes in their respective fields of expertise.

Board Certification. This is the highest qualification any medical professional can acquire. If your primary care provider is board certified, they’ve gone the extra mile to obtain the training apart from essential accreditation.

License. A license shows that a medical professional can legally practice their profession. 

Consider Their Location

Location is arguably one of the most crucial factors when selecting a primary care provider. Would you want to drive miles away from home to address urgent medical attention? The distance between you and your chosen primary care provider is essential to access their services whenever you need to quickly.

Try to look for a local provider so you won’t have to go out of your way, especially during emergencies. If you can’t find a local one, find the nearest one, so traveling to them is easy, especially if you need regular checkups. 

Primary care service availability

Consider Their Availability

Another thing to consider is the doctor’s availability. Ensuring that you can contact and access your care provider is necessary, especially if emergencies arise. 

Here are some of the questions you need to ask them:

  • Can you access them when you need them? 
  • Are they available 24 hours a day? 
  • Can you contact them throughout the year? 
  • Do they work during the holidays or on weekends? 
  • If they’re not available, who will replace them for the time being?

Remember that you rely on them all the time since sickness doesn’t take off-days or vacation leaves.

Assess Resource Availability

Your selection of primary care providers may have the skillset to do their job correctly, but they would need the right resources to execute it. These resources include their trusty team and equipment. 

For this reason, you need to check if they have the equipment necessary to fulfill their services. Due to the ever-advancing technology, medical equipment is constantly improved for efficiency and accuracy. They must also have a reliable team of professionals they can rely on to assist them in providing their healthcare services.

If a primary care provider doesn’t have the resources, try to ask them if they’re partnered with certain hospitals where they can execute their medical operations.

When Should You Go to Urgent Care 

Urgent care can handle non-life-threatening medical conditions. So with that in mind, you should go to urgent care if your illness or injury needs to be taken care of within 24 hours, like minor broken bones or cuts that need stitching. And although they usually handle last-minute care, they can’t always deal with life-threatening medical conditions.

If your healthcare provider isn’t accessible at the time being, then an urgent care center might be the right place for you. However, keep in mind that these facilities are much like business establishments. They may be ideal for dealing with minor emergencies outside the 9-to-5, but they also have opening and closing times. 

Below are some of the most common conditions that urgent care centers deal with daily:

    • Minor fractures
    • X-rays 
    • Sore throat
    • Back pain
    • Mild burns
    • Rashes
    • Strains and sprains
    • Common colds
    • Small cuts that may require stitching
    • Blood tests
    • Bumps
    • Minor headaches
    • Animal bites
    • Asthma
    • Allergies

Since urgent cares deal with relatively simple health concerns, these facilities usually cater to more patients at a much faster pace. So if you have a minor injury, an easily treatable condition, or a simple test, you’re more likely to get better and faster service from an urgent care center. 

Primary care service reviews

Research Reviews

Reviews from previous patients reflect how the doctors perform. Try your best to check for reviews on listings, blogs, social media, and online resources to see if they fit your needs. If the people’s reviews are good, they can be a good candidate for you.

Remember that not everything you find on the internet is true, especially in the medical community. So be sure to check for verified sources when seeking medical care. One of the best places to start is with your health insurance website.

Seek Opinions

Ask for referrals from the people closest to you. Since you trust them, they can give you the proper referrals to qualified doctors who can provide you with the medical care you need. 

Ask your friends, relatives, and even co-workers if they know a good healthcare provider they can provide. If you have specific medical requirements, ensure your doctor specializes in that field or has access to the necessary resources to address your needs.

Factor In the Costs

Don’t forget to factor in the costs! When selecting a primary care provider, determine first if you have the budget. Various doctors and physicians have different service offerings that have diverse price ranges. Depending on the specificity and your condition’s treatment method, the price will either be high or budget-friendly.

With that in mind, you should choose a primary care provider that offers reasonable pricing for your ailments without compromising on quality. But be careful of settling with cheap services – they may have compromised quality. Remember that your health is on the line, and subpar healthcare is not an option.

Consider Continual Care

The role of primary care providers doesn’t stop during office hours. So when selecting a doctor for your needs, ask them if they handle after-hours health-related concerns. Also, ask them who will cover for them if they’re out of the office.


Why Primary Care Is the Best Way to Get Care

Why primary care is important

Why Primary Care Is the Best Way to Get Care

Primary health care is necessary if you want to maintain the health and well-being of your family. Each of the members of your household may have a particular health concern that needs proper medical attention, such as asthma, tooth decay, diabetes, and more. Health conditions like these will require the help of a medical professional, and luckily for you, primary care providers are here to help. 

Primary care providers care about you and your family’s overall health. They can help you diagnose a health condition you’re not even aware of. And if you’re at risk of certain serious illnesses, they can help you with preventative measures that can put your health back on track.

This article will show you why primary care is essential, its advantages, and other relevant information you need to know about primary health care services.

What are the Roles of a General Practitioner

Are There Different Types of General Practitioners?

There are many types of healthcare providers that offer primary care. Many of them are specialists, and they’ve trained extensively to help particular patients with specific health concerns.

General Practitioners (GPs). Their job is to treat diseases that suddenly emerge and provide an early diagnosis. Sometimes called family doctors deal with patients of varying ages – even the whole family.

Pediatricians. They are responsible for taking care of the medical needs of infants, children, and adolescents. They can diagnose and treat many childhood illnesses, from minor to severe health problems.

Elderly Caregivers. They take care of the health and well-being of older adults. 

Obstetricians and Gynecologists. They primarily focus on pregnancy and female reproductive health.

Nurses and Medical Assistants. They can provide primary care too, but focus more on taking care of the patient.

Why go to primary care providers

Why Go to Primary Care Providers?

Regular doctor visits are necessary to keep track of your health. But unfortunately, the majority of people these days are oblivious that they may have serious health concerns like diabetes or heart disease. Seeking the help of primary care providers can help notice the symptoms of health problems as early as possible. And by doing so, you can prevent those health concerns from worsening by getting a diagnosis and treatment early on.

Going to primary care providers like GPs and pediatricians and spotting an ailment early is way cheaper than treating said illness at its later stages. Remember: prevention is always better than cure.

Advantages of Primary Health Care

There are several advantages to relying on primary health care.

Access to Expanded Health Services

Primary care can help get people in need access to quality health care. With access to primary health care, individuals from remote or underprivileged areas can better understand their current health condition, thus opening up the possibilities for treatment for their specific ailments in the nearest future. Please do note that specialized care may require a referral.

Advantages of primary health care

Improved Care Quality

General practitioners are better than specialists in certain conditions. However, studies state that specialists strictly adhere to following disease-specific guidelines when dealing with health issues. This is linked to more effective preventative therapies and prescription decisions. 

On the other hand, general practitioners are sometimes better than in-house hospital specialists when dealing with specific conditions like diabetes. Because of their holistic approach to health, the research above shows that primary care offers better overall quality.

Emphasized Preventative Measures

Primary care puts heavy emphasis on preventative interventions. These interventions are characterized by the broad changes that have drastic effects on health, like quitting smoking, staying physically active, breastfeeding, and following a healthy diet plan. A study made by the National Library of Medicine concludes that the U.S states with higher ratios of physician-to-population are more likely to enjoy the results of preventive interventions like lower smoking rates and less obesity.

Early Health Conditions Management

One of the best reasons to seek the help of a primary care provider is the early management of your health conditions. Primary care providers will often propose screening tests to identify health changes that may determine the early onset of particular diseases. These screening tests include checking your blood pressure, breast examinations, pap smears, and mammograms, to name a few. 

Research even tells us that hospitalized patients experiencing treatable health conditions like hypertension are four times more likely to have less access to a primary health care provider. 

Primary Care Delivery Characteristics

Primary healthcare providers emphasize an individual’s overall health rather than the status of a single organ or system, which may contribute to desirable results like lower death rates because of the care provider’s cumulative impact. As a result, you’d often see primary health physicians and their patients form solid and continuing relationships. 

This bond is helpful for health professionals because it can help them deal with the patient’s situation better. This relationship can also help care providers to offer proper suggestions to their patients.

Reduced Requirement for Specialist Treatment

Specialists are named that way for a reason. Their expertise is needed the most when special care is necessary, and most of the time, that is not the case. General practitioners can deliver primary health care in a timely and practical manner, which can reduce the need for specialized care. 

General practitioners can help avoid the necessity for disease-specific care by providing preventative interventions to the patients, thus helping them rely less on the help of specialists. Furthermore, once the patient follows these preventative measures consistently, they can decrease the risk of specialized treatment, which can be more stressful and cost-inhibitive.

How to Look for the Best Primary Care Health Center Nearby

If you want to find the best primary health care provider nearest to you, you have to do some research. The first thing that typically pops into mind is to search online. However, you can also use viable methods, such as asking for referrals and following word of mouth.

Any research must be based on data, so once you select nearby primary care providers, you have to vet each by checking their online reviews, asking their previous patients about the quality of their services, and more. You should follow these same protocols when looking for a reliable primary care provider in Connecticut.

Sleep Insomnia Treatment (What to Do When You Can’t Sleep)

Sleep Insomnia Treatment

Sleep Insomnia Treatment (What to Do When You Can’t Sleep)

Tossing and turning on your bed during your bedtime is normal. But if you’re experiencing it for a prolonged period, you might have a medical condition that needs immediate attention: insomnia.

Insomnia can have drastic effects on your life, and if it’s not addressed correctly, it can lead to more severe health problems. Whether it’s caused by stress on work, finances, or relationships, you should know that lack of quality sleep has severe repercussions on your body, mind, and emotions. However, if the symptoms begin to affect your day-to-day life, it is crucial to consult with a sleep specialist to understand and better address your condition.

Insomnia: Your Guide to the Sleep Disorder

Insomnia is a disorder that makes sleeping difficult. It can also affect a person’s ability to stay asleep and not be able to go back to sleep. Our body’s refusal to sleep can result in feelings of fatigue and stress. This sleep disorder is so common that 30% to 40% of American adults report insomnia symptoms annually.

Not getting enough sleep has negative consequences for your physical and emotional well-being. While insomnia itself can be a symptom of some psychiatric disorders like anxiety and depression, experts increasingly recognize it as a factor in developing and progressing other mental health issues such as sadness, anxiety, and even suicidal ideation.

As for physical side effects, insomnia can cause daytime fatigue, irritability, and even gastrointestinal symptoms. Lack of sleep is also attributed to weight gain, leading to serious medical issues if not given proper attention. Insomnia can even cultivate unhealthy habits that may lead to the development of heart disease.

Lack of energy, difficulty remembering things, a shorter attention span, delayed thinking, decreased sex drive, poor decision making, irritability, daytime sleepiness, and other mood changes can result from not getting enough sleep.

For these reasons, you must understand what insomnia is and how it can drastically affect your overall health and well-being. Therefore, the following is some crucial information concerning this sleep condition.

Types of Insomnia

Types of Insomnia

Acute and chronic insomnia are the two most common kinds of insomnia. 

Acute Insomnia

Acute insomnia, also known as early insomnia, short-term insomnia, or adjustment insomnia, is a brief period of difficulty sleeping. This type of insomnia occurs due to a stressful or traumatic incident and typically goes away without treatment. Roughly 25% of Americans have acute insomnia, but about 75% of these people recover without developing persistent sleep problems or chronic insomnia.

Here’s an excellent example of an episode of acute insomnia. You may have lost a loved one due to an accident, and stress from such a traumatic event led to unhealthy sleeping habits. But over time, as you move on from grieving their loss, you eventually get back on your feet and return to your regular sleeping habits. This is acute insomnia: a sleeping disorder that comes and goes.

Acute insomnia can continue anywhere from a few days to several months. Symptoms gradually dissipate as the person develops ways to cope with the stressful event that produced the sleeping condition. However, keep in mind that acute insomnia may worsen if not given proper attention and lead to a more severe type of insomnia that leaves you constantly tired and unmotivated.

Short-term sleeping disorders like acute insomnia can happen to children and adults, but it’s more common for women to develop it. It can also arise during pregnancy and a woman’s menopausal stages.

Chronic Insomnia

Chronic Insomnia

When insomnia lasts for more than three months or even years, it can be categorized as chronic insomnia. Much like acute insomnia, chronic insomnia can also occur because of stress, traumatic life events, or unhealthy habits that disrupt sleep. However, the most prevalent contributor to this type of insomnia is stress, which can drastically affect your daily life in various ways.

When people have chronic insomnia, they feel tired, even after waking up. As a result, they constantly lack the necessary energy to accomplish everyday tasks like taking long walks. Imagine what it feels like to consistently have a lousy sleep for months or years if a night or two without decent sleep can leave a person grumpy. 

Chronic insomnia can take a toll on both your mind and body. Long stretches of sleep deprivation can cause extreme mood swings, making you more likely to feel deeper negative emotions like anger and sadness. Chronic insomnia, if left untreated, can develop into severe mood disorders such as clinical depression and anxiety.

A Journal of the American Heart Association research back in 2021 states that insomnia can be a potential risk factor for a highly fatal brain aneurysm. It comes with other risk factors like smoking, high blood pressure, and heavy alcohol consumption. For this reason, anyone with chronic insomnia must deal with the disorder swiftly, or else they face life-threatening medical problems.

Symptoms of Insomnia

Insomnia Symptoms

Individuals who find it challenging to sleep may have acute or chronic insomnia. The main difference is their duration. Acute insomnia lasts briefly for about weeks or three months, while chronic insomnia may last years. However, they share similar symptoms that usually stem from the exact causes, primarily stress. 

Below are the common symptoms of people who have insomnia:

  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Trouble staying asleep
  • Waking up too early in the morning
  • Waking up throughout the night
  • Bad sleep quality
  • Daytime fatigue
  • Poor memory
  • Inability to concentrate and stay focused
  • Mood swings 
  • Social dysfunction
  • Irritability 
  • Not feeling well-rested even after sleeping
  • Increased instances of committing mistakes and accidents
  • Difficulty in dealing with work, school, and even personal relationships

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, then you may have insomnia. Taking steps in dealing with insomnia may be difficult, but every step can make a difference in recovery. 

Causes of Insomnia

Insomnia Causes

We’ve talked about stress and traumatic events as contributing factors to insomnia, but there are also other factors you need to watch out for. Aside from life-altering events, chemicals can also affect your sleeping habits. Lifestyle choices are also elements that can disrupt your sleeping patterns. Knowing what causes insomnia can help you make better decisions about how to enhance the quality of your sleep. 

The Journal of Depression and Anxiety published research about how insomnia treatment plans don’t apply to everyone. The study states that hyperarousal in cognitive, behavioral, neurological, and endocrine systems is linked to insomnia. However, it clearly says that there’s no singular cause for insomnia and that treatment plans aren’t one size fits all. 

Your healthcare professional may need to do some tests to rule out any specific health conditions you may have. By doing so, your care provider can properly diagnose if you only have insomnia or if there are other underlying medical issues that you need to deal with simultaneously with insomnia. 

Here are the most common causes of insomnia:

  • Stress
  • Poor sleep habits
  • Unhealthy lifestyle
  • Chronic pain
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Hot flashes
  • Sleep disorders (e.g., sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome)
  • Neurological disorders (e.g., Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease)
  • Mental health issues (e.g., depression and anxiety)
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Digestive problems
  • Allergies
  • Respiratory problems
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Drug use
  • Graveyard shifts at work
  • Smoking
  • Taking certain medications (e.g., antidepressants, decongestants, and steroids)
  • Traumatic life events

The causes of insomnia above are lengthy, and you may be confused about what contributes to your insomnia. For this reason, you should consult a sleep doctor in Connecticut so they can adequately assess your health condition and provide you with a treatment plan catered to your needs.

Treatments for Insomnia

Insomnia Treatment

The quality of your sleep can help dictate how healthy you are physically, mentally, and emotionally. If you’re having difficulty sleeping for prolonged periods, you might have insomnia. Improving your sleep is crucial in transforming your life into a much healthier one. Maintaining proper sleep hygiene is vital to treating and preventing insomnia.

If you’re asking yourself how to treat insomnia, the tips below can help you tremendously.

  • Avoid alcohol
  • Wind down before bedtime
  • Make your room sleep-friendly
  • Get appropriate sleeping pillows 
  • Regulate your room’s temperature
  • Avoid blue light an hour before bedtime
  • Start a sleep ritual
  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule
  • Workout in the morning
  • Invest in a good mattress

The tips we’ve listed above are just a few natural methods to enhance your sleep quality dramatically. These tips might be helpful, but it’s still best to consult a sleep doctor first to diagnose your condition properly.

Final Thoughts

Insomnia is a sleep disorder that can drastically affect the quality of your life. Not only that, but it can also pose some serious health risks. If you’re having difficulty sleeping and you think you have insomnia, consult a sleep doctor in Connecticut to better understand your condition.

What Is Chiropractic Care (Should You Consider for Your Health)

What is chiropractic care

What Is Chiropractic Care (Should You Consider for Your Health)

More and more people are starting to find effective ways to deal with chronic pain. One of these ways is chiropractic care, a tried and tested solution for coping with discomforts that substantially ruin our quality of life. But, of course, we’re talking about back pain, neck pains, knee pains, and headaches — health inconveniences that can lead to severe problems if left unattended.

Chiropractic care is starting to gain attention on the internet, and for good reasons. Many people had expressed sheer satisfaction when they received adjustments, mainly due to the benefits they’ve experienced after multiple sessions. With chiropractic care, you can significantly improve your health and well-being while not relying on medications that may cost you a fortune in the long run.

This article will show you what chiropractic care is and some good reasons why you should consider it to improve your health and well-being.

What is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive alternative medicine that deals with diagnosing, treating, and preventing musculoskeletal disorders, especially ones found in the spine. It’s a hands-on, drug-free practice that is safe and effective for relieving pain and improving your body’s overall function. 

Chiropractors are the professionals in charge of employing chiropractic care. Chiropractors in Connecticut can deal with chronic pains like neck pain, lower back pain, and shoulder pain. They can also help handle certain headaches, injury rehabilitation, and more. In addition, they are experts in assessing and treating the spine, muscle, and nervous system problems. 

What is a chiropractic adjustment

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

A chiropractic adjustment is a procedure wherein a chiropractor will manipulate your muscles and joints using their hands and other small tools. Their goal is to impart a controlled, abrupt force to certain joints to achieve more significant spinal motion and improve your body’s physical function. Unfortunately, the people who usually receive chiropractic adjustments are the ones who suffer from back or neck pains. 

Is Chiropractic Care Good for Everyone?

Chiropractic care effectively relieves lower back pain, neck pain, sciatic leg pains, and even headaches. It’s an efficacious remedy for all ages, including children and adults. The people who often receive chiropractic adjustments range from 45 to 64 years old. 

Chiropractic treatment is an excellent technique to treat chronic pain, but it is not for everyone. It is not a cure-all, either for pain or any health issues. If your pain doesn’t originate from joint dysfunction, it’s better to see a doctor to help solve it. You should also avoid chiropractic adjustments if you have contraindications such as severe osteoporosis, spinal cancer, spinal abnormalities, or if you’ve had a stroke or have a high risk of stroke.

What if you have back pain

What if You Have Back Pain?

Back pain is arguably the most common reason why people visit a chiropractor. Statistics show that 80% of Americans will likely experience back pain at some point. Most people who experience back pain sit for prolonged hours due to their work. Such a setup puts much pressure on their spines, resulting in lower back pain.

Consult a chiropractor if you’re suffering from back pain, particularly in the lower back. They can assess your condition and formulate an actionable plan on how they can alleviate your pain effectively and solve your lumbar problem. 

Why See a Chiropractor?

Seeing a chiropractor will significantly affect your quality of life. Contrary to popular belief, chiropractic care doesn’t just revolve around the spine – it also involves your nervous system and the majority of your body. The primary goal of chiropractic care is to enhance your body’s function and quality of life by improving your musculoskeletal health.

Some of the expected benefits of chiropractic care include:

  • Better sleep
  • Improved digestion
  • Enhanced cognition
  • Improved range of motion
  • Lower blood pressure

These benefits are only the indirect advantages of chiropractic adjustment, aside from relieving your chronic pain.

When Should You Consider Chiropractic Care?

Chronic back pain is an excellent reason to consider a chiropractic visit. There are many factors contributing to back pain, such as poor posture, how long you have been standing up, and the nature of your work. 

If you suffer from neck, shoulder, or knee pain not due to advanced osteoarthritis, you may reap benefits from seeing a chiropractor. In addition, people who experience migraines and tension headaches should consider chiropractic care since most headaches stem from alignment issues. 

Just choose a licensed professional chiropractor to provide you with the care you need. A reliable chiropractor can relieve you of all the issues mentioned above and even ease muscle tensions since some clinics offer muscle therapy too. 

What result can you expect from chiropractic care

What Result Can You Expect?

People who suffer from chronic pain can experience relief without surgery or medication. In addition, people who suffer from headaches and migraines will benefit significantly from chiropractic care, as evidence suggests it can help lower migraines’ intensity and frequency.

Those who rely on medications like opioid painkillers to relieve headaches and migraines will depend less on them. For example, a study in 2020 revealed that adults who visited a chiropractor are less likely to get opioid prescriptions than those who only chose to see their doctors.

There are also other benefits to expect after several sessions with your chiropractor, including: 

  • Improved neck pain
  • Fewer headache symptoms
  • Improved posture
  • Possibly fewer osteoarthritis symptoms
  • Improved athletic performance

Receiving chiropractic care differs from person to person, so it’s still best for you to consult a licensed professional chiropractor in Connecticut to see what procedure best fits you.


Chronic pain can be effectively treated with chiropractic treatments. Chiropractic adjustments are generally suitable for everyone from children to adults, except for those with special conditions like stroke or spine cancer risks. Chiropractic therapy has numerous advantages, including improved sleep, pain relief, and improved physical functions.

It is essential to understand that even if chiropractic care is effective, it’s not a “cure-all” substitute for most conditions. Therefore, it’s still best for you to consult a local professional chiropractor and ask them what’s the best course of action for your situation.

Emergency Room or Urgent Care (Where Do I Go?)

Emergency Room or Urgent Care

Emergency Room or Urgent Care
(Where Do I Go?)

Medical emergencies may happen to us at any given time. More often than not, we may have injuries or illnesses that will surprise us at any moment. And if these issues need immediate medical attention, you have two main options on where you should go: either urgent care or an emergency room. 

Both urgent care centers and emergency rooms in Connecticut can handle immediate medical situations. So, whether you have a broken bone, are experiencing difficulty breathing, or require a blood test, both are the way to go. However, their capabilities and handling of patients distinguish them from one another.

What is the difference between urgent care and an emergency room? This article will show you the clear distinctions between the two.

The Difference Between Urgent Care and Emergency Room

While both facilities are meant to handle emergencies, they have distinct differences. It’s important to remember that urgent care and emergency rooms have their characteristics designed to deal with different scenarios. Understanding the distinction between the two will help you make an informed decision in an emergency.

So, where would you go if a medical emergency arises: urgent care or emergency room?

The short answer is: it depends.

Urgent Care Centers

Many people know urgent care centers through different names. Some call them after-hours clinics, while others call them minute clinics or minor emergency centers. The best way to think about urgent care centers is standard medical clinics since they deal with illnesses that aren’t immediately life-threatening.

Some of the illnesses that urgent care centers deal with are the following:


It’s also important to understand that these establishments don’t have a regulating body overseeing them. With that in mind, they’re not required to accept patients who can’t afford their services.

Urgent care centers usually have the following facilities:

Appointments. Most urgent care allow walk-in patients, while some don’t even entertain appointments. Some centers allow patients to set a same-day appointment, while others add these patients to a waitlist.

Operating Hours. The vast majority of urgent care centers are often throughout the year, including evenings and weekends.

Staffing. An urgent care is usually composed of two prominent individuals: a physician and an advanced care practitioner (either a nurse or physician assistant). These practitioners often have varying specialties.

Laboratories. Most of these clinics have at least a limited lab capable of handling simple tests like blood tests and urinalysis. 

Payment. These clinics often require you to pay upfront or during servicing.

What is emergency rooms

Emergency Rooms

The stark contrast between urgent care facilities and emergency rooms is how they deal with anyone who comes to their facilities. The law requires emergency rooms (ERs) to comply with the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA). Whether the incoming patient can afford their services or not, emergency rooms must accept them. Most emergency rooms are connected to a larger hospital capable of providing a much more comprehensive range of medical services. 

Emergency rooms are the facilities you’d run into when in a severe or life-threatening medical condition. Some of the cases these facilities can deal with include the following:

  • Seizures
  • Severe burns
  • High fevers
  • Severe allergic reactions
  • Difficulty breathing


Like most emergency rooms in the world, these facilities can suffer from overloading. However, they are perfect for handling any medical emergency. 

Emergency rooms usually have the following characteristics:

Appointment. Emergency rooms don’t accept appointments. Incoming patients must go through a triage process once they arrive. This process helps the ER staff determine who needs medical attention first.

Operating Hours. ERs are open all the time, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Staffing. ERs must have at least one physician in the vicinity at all times. Advanced practice providers also help the doctors attend to emergent conditions.

Laboratories. ERs can carry out many diagnostic tests like cancer tests, allergy tests, genetic testing, and more.

Payment. Unlike urgent care centers, ERs don’t require their patients to pay upfront or at the time of service.

When to go to urgent care

When Should You Go to Urgent Care 

Urgent care can handle non-life-threatening medical conditions. So with that in mind, you should go to urgent care if your illness or injury needs to be taken care of within 24 hours, like minor broken bones or cuts that need stitching. And although they usually handle last-minute care, they can’t always deal with life-threatening medical conditions.

If your healthcare provider isn’t accessible at the time being, then an urgent care center might be the right place for you. However, keep in mind that these facilities are much like business establishments. They may be ideal for dealing with minor emergencies outside the 9-to-5, but they also have opening and closing times. 

Below are some of the most common conditions that urgent care centers deal with daily:

  • Minor fractures
  • X-rays 
  • Sore throat
  • Back pain
  • Mild burns
  • Rashes
  • Strains and sprains
  • Common colds
  • Small cuts that may require stitching
  • Blood tests
  • Bumps
  • Minor headaches
  • Animal bites
  • Asthma
  • Allergies


Since urgent cares deal with relatively simple health concerns, these facilities usually cater to more patients at a much faster pace. So if you have a minor injury, an easily treatable condition, or a simple test, you’re more likely to get better and faster service from an urgent care center. 

When to Go to the Emergency Rooms

If you think your concern is life-threatening and requires immediate medical attention, the emergency rooms are the proper establishments for you. Unlike urgent care, ERs can deal with significant to severe emergency conditions. For example, traumatic injuries like gunshot wounds, blunt force wounds, or motor accidents are medical situations you’d often see in an ER.

Some life-threatening situations where emergency rooms are ideal are the following:

  • Stroke
  • Heart attack
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Poisoning
  • Blunt force trauma
  • Broken bones
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Coughing or vomiting blood
  • Severe burns
  • Vision loss
  • Severe hemorrhage
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Persistent bleeding
  • Any condition that might need surgery


The list of conditions above is not complete but rather guidelines that can significantly help you determine if you need to go to an emergency room or not. Remember not to downplay the symptoms you’re experiencing because doing so might put your life at risk. If you’re unsure whether you need to visit an emergency room, still head to the emergency room for a comprehensive evaluation. 

Cost of urgent care vs emergency room

Cost: Urgent Care Vs. Emergency Rooms

It is important to note that urgent care centers are usually cheaper than availing the services of emergency rooms. Estimates even suggest that the former’s services are ten times cheaper than the latter. One of the few reasons for this is that urgent care centers receive most of their earnings from people who have private insurance. In addition, many urgent cares also accept Medicare and even worker’s insurance compensation. 

If you have private insurance, an ER visit copay will range from $50 to hundreds of dollars, depending on the health plan you’re currently holding. Some plans will waive the ER copayment if you need to be admitted to the hospital. With that in mind, check your health plan’s coverage for further details.

The total out-of-pocket upfront costs for an ER visit are more likely to be higher than the ER copayment. This is because the establishment would need to run some crucial tests, not to mention the specialists that need to see you. Also, depending on your plan’s deductible — and if you’ve met your deductible for the year — you can be stuck with a high cost.

Nobody wants a horrifically large ER bill. Luckily, the No Surprise Act prevents out-of-network and balance billing, ensuring that your ER costs are more predictable and reasonable. Starting this year, ER claims will be covered at in-network rates, and people now have more ways to seek assistance if everything goes wrong and get stuck with what they believe is a surprise bill.


It’s essential to know the difference between an urgent care center and an emergency room. Knowing the different capabilities of the two facilities will give you a better understanding of the options available to you in case of an emergency. Remember: urgent care centers are for minor non-life-threatening circumstances, while emergency rooms deal with life-threatening medical conditions.

If you’re looking for urgent care in Connecticut, don’t hesitate to call us. We provide urgent care for daily family life, and we serve quality care and affordable treatment.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQs

Coronavirus Covid-19

Coronavirus (COVID-19) FAQ

Last updated October 2021

Coronavirus Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, all locations are able to test for COVID19. We have rapid antigen testing, rapid PCR, and traditional PCR testing options available. Rapid PCR tests are given based on availability. If none are available on site, PCR tests will be sent out to a third party lab.

Yes, our rapid antigen testing provides results in about 30 minutes. We utilize the Quidel Sofia 2 antigen tests. We also have rapid molecular testing using the Abbott ID Now.

Rapid PCR testing is available on site as well with results in 40 minutes. DOCS is utilizing the Cepheid rapid PCR test.

Please click this link to get a copy of your test results. If for any reason you cannot get your results online, please chat with our web team using the link below for assistance or return to the clinic to pick up a copy of your results.

Testing is by appointment only by same day appointments are available. You may walk in for any other urgent care needs

Yes, an appointment is needed for COVID testing

No referral is needed

PCR tests collected and run on site will be reported the same day; PCR tests collected on site but sent out to a third party lab to be run will be resulted in 36-72 hours.

Yes, we can draw blood and send out to a third party lab or we can provide a requisition for you to be seen at a lab for your blood draw.

You will need to contact your specific carrier to see if they are covering testing. Most are not covering surveillance/travel testing and only covering testing for those who are exposed. Because of this DOCS will need to collect payment for any surveillance/travel testing required. You can then submit the bill directly to your insurance to see if they will reimburse you.

Rapid PCR Test – $195

Traditional PCR Test – $95, the third party lab processing the test will bill you as well, typically around $100

Rapid Antigen Test – $195

Yes, as of right now insurance is not limiting the number of times you can be tested

Please book an appointment for covid testing here

We can test anyone over the age of 2.

Start Off With A Healthy New Year

man and woman jogging outside for new years resolution

Start Off With A Healthy New Year

man and woman jogging outside for new years resolution

Being more healthy and active is a common New Year’s resolution for most. I’m sure you have even made it yours once or twice. But how long does this resolution actually last? Are you taking the proper steps to make sure your resolution doesn’t fall short?

A quick and easy visit to your primary care doctor should be on the top of your “To Do” list, so you know where you stand when it comes to your health. During your visit, you’ll be able to find out what you are doing right, and what you can improve on, so you are able to start off 2020 in good spirits. We would like to share with you some tips on how to keep on the path to improved health this upcoming new year.

Eating Healthy

This may seem like the most obvious option, but it’s pretty hard for most people to stick to eating healthy meals each day. When attempting to slim down, 80% of your results are going to come from what you make in the kitchen. When creating a healthier eating structure, your body will begin to transform. It will be able to process food more efficiently, as well as increase your energy levels.

Exercising Regularly

Getting in the habit of exercising regularly whether its as little as 30 minutes a day or 3 hours is extremely beneficial to becoming a more healthy human being. If you are just starting out, you can go on a 30 minute to an hour walk every day in order to get your heart rate up and improve blood flow throughout your body. If you are skeptical about working out because you’re not sure where to start, find a trainer at your nearest gym!

Getting a good Nights Sleep

It’s essential to get a quality nights rest on a regular basis. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night is just as important as your diet and exercise regime. Getting a consistent good nights is known to reduce stress, maintain a healthy weight, builds a stronger immune system, and is also a mood booster! It is important to get into the habit of a structured sleeping cycle because it will benefit you throughout your day to day life. You will have more of a clear mind in order to perform tasks in an efficient manner.

Having a Positive Attitude

What if you were told that you would be able to change your life based off of how you perceive daily experiences? The power of positive thinking has been proven to create happiness in people’s day to day life. Having a positive attitude or outlook on your life, forcing you to adopt an optimistic mindset. Once this is done, you will naturally look at the world in ways that you could have never imagined. You will be more motivated, driven, and substantially happier overall. By focusing on positive thoughts, you will find that your days will begin to improve which will let you become more productive and have more energy than in the past.

Scheduling an Annual Physical

One of the most important aspects of starting off the new year strong in your quest to become healthier is to visit your primary care physician in order to get a physical. It’s extremely important to regularly receive physicals in order to be sure that everything is functioning properly.

Physicals are a good thing to do annually and could be done at the beginning of each year in order to insure your improving health. When at your next physical, some questions you may ask are as follows:

  • How does my weight compared to the average goal of a healthy weight for my age/gender?
  • Are my current habits affecting my health in a negative way?
  • Is my diet creating bad habits for other aspects of my life such as exercise and sleep?

Visit DOCS Urgent Care in the New Year

Did you know that DOCS Urgent Care has primary care physicians? When you’re ready to schedule your annual physical in the new year, you can come to one of our Urgent Cares in Connecticut to be seen. We can discuss your physical health and any concerns you may have.

Staying Safe & Healthy During Thanksgiving

Staying Safe & Healthy During Thanksgiving

Staying Safe & Healthy During Thanksgiving

Staying Safe & Healthy During Thanksgiving

It’s that time of year again. No not Christmas, yet, but Thanksgiving. The time to meet up with family and friends to celebrate with a grand turkey feast, and perhaps catch a football game. During your time of celebration the last thing you want is for the holiday to be ruined thanks to food poisoning, the flu, or some other hazard. Luckily, we’ve got some safety tips to help you avoid trouble and enjoy your Thanksgiving week.


Keep Clean

Wash Your Hands: Make sure you and your guests keep your hands clean.This might be a pretty obvious tip but it’s important, especially if you’re the one preparing food. Dirty hands can be a major source of germs and other contagions, including the infamous flu.

Clean Surfaces and Utensils: It’s not just your hands that should be clean. Dirty utensils and surfaces can also ruin your turkey dinner and help to spread disease.

Avoid Cross Contamination: One major reason you want to clean your hands and utensils is to avoid cross contamination between raw and cooked meat. Raw meat can contain various germs that could give your guests a stomachache, or even food poisoning.

Use your own Glasses: Thanksgiving is a time of sharing, but there are some things you still want to be keep to yourself. Consider labelling plastic cups with sharpies and glasses with stickers or charms in order to avoid spreading germs in addition to the usual cheer.


Cook Carefully

Keep an Eye on your Meal: With family around, especially young children, it can be easy to get distracted. Make sure you don’t let yourself get too distracted in order to avoid a potential fire hazard.

Buy Your Turkey with Caution: If the turkey is the star of your show then don’t risk it gobbling up your health. Avoid fresh, stuffed turkeys and instead try to buy a turkey 1-2 days before cooking. Make sure to store it properly in the fridge, or freezer if you got it earlier.

Defrost Correctly: If you thaw your turkey in the fridge be aware that you will need about a day for every 4-5lbs. If you’re planning to thaw it by submerging it in water then make sure the water is cold and expect each 1lb to take about a half hour. Don’t forget to change the water every hour! Finally, when microwaving make sure to use a microwave-safe pan, remove packaging, and carefully follow manufacturer’s instructions.

Cook Immediately and Check Temperatures: Don’t leave your turkey waiting after thawing. Make sure to cook it immediately and do not slow cook or partially cook the turkey. Remember, undercooked meat can be very hazardous, make sure to cook the turkey at 165°F or more and check with a thermometer.

Don’t Carve Too Fast: No one likes waiting, especially with mouth watering smells coming from the kitchen. Nonetheless, you should wait 20 minutes to let the juices settle before carving the turkey.


Store Leftovers Carefully

Refrigerate and Eat Promptly: No matter how big the appetites or the family, there always seems to be leftovers. Make sure to refrigerate these leftovers right away, within two hours, of the meal being served. Don’t let them get lost in your fridge later as leftovers are most safe to eat within three days of being cooked.

Remember to Reheat: When it’s time make sure to reheat the leftovers that need it to 165°F. Don’t forget to boil the gravy too!


Eat with Caution

Avoid Choking Hazards: Make sure to keep choking hazards out of the hands of children and pets. Be especially careful of turkey bones, which are prone to breaking. It’s best to keep most foods out of the reach of pets and to feed them before guests arrive.

Choking: With all the excitement of the day it is possible that someone could choke. Call 911 immediately if someone can’t breath or speak. To try to stop choking you can give 5 sharp blows to the back or, if that is unsuccessful, attempt the Heimlich maneuver, place your hands around their abdomen and give five quick upward thrusts.

Our last and final tip? Have fun! The holidays are a great time to unwind and relax, don’t let holiday stresses get to you. Keep our safety tips in mind and enjoy a safe and relaxing holiday!

Trick-or-Treat Tips for a Safe Halloween

Halloween Family

Trick-or-Treat Tips for a Safe Halloween

Halloween Family

Halloween is such an exciting time of year for kids, they get to stay up past their bedtimes, dress up as their favorite superhero or Disney princess and indulge on candy. Parents need to make sure throughout this exciting event that their kids stay visible, follow the rules of the road, and don’t eat anything strange from the candy bag. Read the following tips to ensure this Halloween doesn’t literally turn into a scary one.

Before you take your little ghosts and goblins out for Halloween, read these safety tips:

Keep it Bright

Darker costumes obviously make it harder to spot your child in a crowd so make sure you dress your child up in costumes that are bright colored, making them more visible to you as it gets dark outside. If your child’s costume is dark, make sure to add reflective accessories or light your kids up with glow sticks.

Face Paint Instead of Face-masks

Face-masks can be a great touch to a costume for a more realistic look, but they are dangerous as they can obstruct vision. Face paint is a much better option, but just make sure to try it out first making sure your child doesn’t have a reaction to the make up. Remember to completely wash it off before tucking them into bed!

Travel in a Group

Older kids should always travel together as a group, and make sure that it’s a neighborhood that has been approved by all the parents. Check-ins by phone should happen regularly and make sure that you have set a curfew for them to be home by.

Safely Approach Homes

Only go up to homes that are well lit with a porch light, outdoor lights, or Halloween decorations. Make sure to enforce the rule to never enter a home or a car for a treat candy.

Follow the Rules of the Road

Make sure to only cross the roads where there are established crosswalks and to always hold your child’s hand when crossing the road. If you are out driving that night be sure to drive slowly through residential areas as there will be small children running around from house to house.

Check the Candy

Before you let your children dig into their pile of candy dump it all out on a table and check each piece, discarding any candy that looks like it has been opened already or any homemade or repackaged candy.

Cold vs. Flu: Ways You Can Spot the Difference

Woman Blowing Her Nose On Couch

Cold vs. Flu: Ways You Can Spot the Difference

Woman Blowing Her Nose On Couch

Is it a cold or flu?

There are so many ways to describe your physical symptoms when you are sick to the doctor. Coughing, sneezing, shivering, hacking, wheezy dry cough, runny nose, and many more. While these all seem like ways to describe the common cold, it is important to spot the different signs between a cold and the seasonal flu.

Symptoms of Seasonal Flu

Influenza or also known as the common “flu” often hits fast and takes you by surprise. The flu begins with a sudden fever including other symptoms like chills, muscle aches, headaches, and tiredness. The important thing to understand is that with the flu you feel lousy and you feel lousy FAST. If you experience any of the fast symptoms included with a flu, contact your doctor right away to begin treatment as the flu can be dangerous if not treated properly and quickly.

Symptoms of Common Cold

The common cold, on the other hand, usually starts gradually and lasts much longer. It is important to understand that symptoms with a cold often creep up on you and can last anywhere from 2-3 weeks. Colds will rarely come with a significant fever, while the flu never fails with a fever of 100 degrees or higher for at least a few days.

This is a helpful chart that shows the difference in symptoms between the flu and cold:

Signs and Symptoms


Common Cold





Temperature of 100 degrees and above for 3-4 days

Temperature less than 100 degrees


Dry, sometimes severe





Muscle pain

Usual, often and severe

Uncommon or usually mild

Tiredness & weakness

Lasting about 2-3 weeks

Very mild and brief

Extreme exhaustion

Early & prominent


Chest discomfort


Uncommon or mild

Stuffy nose






Sore Throat



Treatment Options for the Flu

Antiviral medications such as Tamiflu and Relenza are used to best treat cases of the flu which require a prescription and a treatment plan. These medications fight the flu by keeping the viruses from reproducing in your body and work best when started within 48 hours of your first symptoms.

At DOCS Urgent Care a variety of our convenient locations in Connecticut offer flu immunizations. Feel free to walk into one of our clinics today for a fast, wait-free way to get your flu shot. Find our more information about flu shots here.

What to Look for in a Primary Care Physician

What to Look for In a Primary Care Physician

There are many benefits to having a primary care provider including better patient-to-provider communication, referrals to other specialty doctors and management to chronic diseases. But, how do you go about choosing a primary care provider? 

The relationship you have with your primary care provider is one of the most important because this physician will learn your medical history, your medications, your possible health conditions, lifestyle and what treatment you prefer. To help you make the right choice when it comes to your health, we’ve listed out some of the top qualities and resources to look for in your PCP.  

Tips on How to Find Your Primary Care Provider 


Find Out If the Doctor is In Your “Network”

Many health plans have negotiated discounted rates for specific doctors or hospitals that are in your area. You’ll pay less out of pocket for a doctor that is in your “network.” The best way to find out what doctors are in your network is to call your insurance company to verify. You can do so by calling the 1-800 number on the back of your insurance card. 

At all 16 of our DOCS Urgent Care locations in Connecticut, we accept all major insurances. If you would like to confirm that we accept your insurance, please find your nearest DOCS location and call to verify.

Have Your Needs In Mind 

Every person has unique health needs that will often change as we get older. It’s important to find a primary care provider that you trust with your health conditions (or for your children). Start off by asking your doctor what they specialize in. Some specialize in pediatrics, while others might have a special interest in sports medicine. If you struggle with multiple complex medical issues or if you are an older individual, you’ll benefit more from seeing a geriatrician who specializes in the care of older patients. 

Consider the Location 

For some, quality healthcare has no distance too far. For others, you may value having local, convenient care right in your town. You’ll also want to also consider office hours – what days and times is the doctor available? Do they only visit one location or can you see them at other offices? 

At DOCS Urgent Care, we know that our patients want quality care in the most convenient locations. That’s why we have 16 different locations all across Fairfield, New Haven, and Hartford counties. We want to make sure that our patients don’t have to travel long distances to receive the care they deserve. All of our locations have compassionate doctors and nurses who are more than excited about offering primary care services to all of our patients. We also offer our services 365 days a year because we understand that things happen and walk-in care is an efficient way to assure that you’re seen the same day. 

Visit the Doctor 

Even if you go off referrals, you’ll get a more accurate reading of your potential doctor by visiting them for a wellness check-up. Make sure that during your visit, you feel comfortable with both the office, the nurses and the doctor. You should be able to talk confidently with your doctor and know that you can rely on them for your healthcare management. 

To know if you like the atmosphere in the doctor’s office, make note of a few different things. How is the demeanor of the people who answer the phones? Are the office assistants and nurses friendly? What is the wait like? There are many different factors that can conclude if you will enjoy making this your primary care location. 

Start Receiving Quality Care Today

At DOCS Urgent Care (throughout Connecticut), we offer both urgent care services and primary care services. Whether you need a general check-up, physical, or require a PCP that can help manage your chronic condition, we are here for you. We can offer you the same services as a primary care physician without the wait times or inconvenient schedules. Our doctors are trained and experienced in providing care for infants, adolescents, young adults and seniors. To start receiving care from DOCS, find out which location is closest to you!

Treating Fall Allergies

Fall Allergy Patient

Battling Fall Allergies?

Fall Allergy Patient

Treating Fall Allergies

Fall allergies are extremely common and can be detrimental to an individual’s everyday life. The symptoms that arise from allergies tend to interfere with one’s daily functions such as sleep and concentration. In order to effectively treat these fall allergies, we must understand what fall allergies really are and why they create such discomfort. Before treating yourself, it is important to understand your body and how it reacts to certain allergens or environmental triggers.

Symptoms of Common Fall Allergies

Allergens such as mold, pollen, animal hair, and dust can trigger fall allergies and cause moderate to severe symptoms. Common symptoms or signs of an allergic attack include sneezing, congestion, runny nose, itchy throat, and headaches. When allergens invade your body, your immune system responds by releasing a surge of chemicals, including histamine, in order to flush them out of your system.

Questions to Reflect On

These are some helpful questions to ask yourself so you can distinguish your triggers and treat your fall allergies accordingly:

  • What symptoms occur?
  • Does being outdoors or indoors trigger your symptoms more?
  • What where you doing that triggered these symptoms?
    (I.e: cleaning, petting animals, smoking cigarettes, etc)
  • What relieves you of your symptoms?
  • What treatments have you tried that work?
  • What treatments have you tried that are ineffective or exacerbate allergic flare ups?

    By reflecting on these questions, you will better equip yourself with the knowledge to treat your fall allergies and take preventative actions.

Treatment Options for Fall Allergies

Depending on your personal experience with fall allergies, there are various ways to treat this discomfort. If the symptoms you are experiencing are severe, it is best to seek medical help at Docs Urgent Care or other healthcare facilities. A medical professional will evaluate your medical/medication history to determine what treatment is most effective for you.
Some control measures to consider are:

  • Buy a dehumidifier
  • Check pollen levels
  • Remove pollen from furniture and clothing
  • Wear protective clothing/allergen-free clothing
  • Keep pets off personal items & bed

    These helpful fall allergy tips can help provide needed relief. Take the time to experiment with these control measures and determine what alleviates your symptoms. If self-treatment is an appropriate option for you, it’s still recommended to see a professional in order to prevent contraindications and drug interactions.

Taking Action 

If you suffer with fall allergies and are seeking a personal treatment plan, schedule an appointment today at DOCS Urgent Care. We have 15 different Urgent Care locations in Connecticut that offer allergy testing, treatment services, and preventative methods. These clinics are run by allergists and healthcare professionals who ensure the highest standard of patient care. We accept most major insurances too!

Back to School Health Tips

teenagers going back to school

Back to School Health Tips

teenagers going back to school

Summer is coming to an end, which means all of those bad habits need to too. Back-to-school is always a hard period with getting your child ready and back on track with their sleeping and eating schedule. Want to make sure that this is their best school year yet? Let us help you get your child back on track this school year. Follow these recommended back-to-school tips:

Encourage Healthy Sleeping Habits

It’s important that your child gets a good night’s sleep in preparation for school the next day, so start setting that back-to-school bedtime! Spending less time on devices such as; computers, tablets, cell-phones and television contribute to a well rested child.

To ensure your child maintains their good health they should be getting around eight to ten hours of sleep each night. Some things to avoid right before bedtime are as follows; exercise, large meals, technology, warm showers/baths and most importantly caffeine.

Hygiene First

Summer tooth brushing routines are over, time to get your child back in the two-a-day brushing routine. In order to keep those pearly whites and healthy gums, your child should be brushing their teeth at least twice a day and keeping up with their flossing once a day as well. As much as they may cry about it, try some fun ways to brush!

Good hygiene leads to better health. In order to maintain good health and preventing illness and infections from growing, have your child get used to washing their hands and body regularly. This will keep all the yucky germs from spreading.

Annual Wellness Visits

Every child is required to have an updated physical for each school year. The reason for this importance is that physicals ensure your child’s health and checkups are up-to-date. Annual physicals also build up medical history which only benefits your child in the long run. 

Having an updated annual physical for your child also allows them to participate in physical activities within and outside the school. Sports for example, almost always require a physical in order to participate. This factor only benefits your child’s health.

Healthy Eating

According to the State of Obesity, 18.5% of children ages 2-19 in America have obesity. This percent continues to grow, and that’s why it’s important to instill healthy eating habits in your child’s mind. Some children can be picky eaters, so to work past this make sure you continue to introduce new healthy foods, avoid buying unhealthy home/school snacks, replace juice with the actual fruit, and most importantly- BE THE MODEL.

Continuing a regular healthy lunch box or school lunch for your child gets them into a healthy eating routine- that’s the goal! When it comes to food shopping, be sure to check out the nutritional facts on the packaging; stay away from snacks that have lots of calories, are high in trans fat, sodium and sugar. Cook your at home meals smart!

Make the Changes Today 

This new school season is just around the corner. Have you started to change your child’s diet, or sleep habits? There’s still time! There is also time to schedule their annual school physical before the new year!